I'm a 14 year-old female with HFA. When I grow up i really want to work with special needs children, especially autistic children. Recently my class have been on a PRAO, that we call it here in Sweden. The kids go to different places to observe a work place. Many went to the dentist, the supermarket, ect. I went to a special school for children with disabilities. I was only with one child though, a little 6-year old boy who couldn't speak, but speaks through sign-language. I don't know if he had autism though, but it was intresting to see how they worked with him and how HE worked. He was so cute and came up to me and looked at me in the face, and he took my hand and pulled me away to show things. He hugged me, hit me, pulled my hair and took his hands on my cheeks. I did realize you have to be patient when you work with those kids