scumsuckingdouchebag wrote:
It helps being paranoid
Thanks for the advice. If I were more paranoid, I probably wouldn't be tricked or manipulaed as often. The only problem is, my former friend hated me when I would be paranoid(even when I had reason to be), and being in such a state and acting on it tends to make other people not like me.

Yah...don't be so sure of that. I'm extremely paranoid..but as I'm atrocious at reading other people and social "cues", I'm also ultra gullible. If there's one motto by one of the evilest dictators in history- Joseph Stalin- that I try to live by, it's "trust no one".
Unfortunately...again...due to my inability to read social cues, I many times wind up believing the worst people around.
Paranoia mixed with Asperger's gives you almost the inability to discriminate between when people care about you, and are actually trying to help you- & when they're just manipulating you cause they can.
Seriously- I guarantee you Ayatollah Khamenei would welcome me with open arms- before I shot him in the head. Fidel Castro would ALSO welcome me with open arms- before I, again, shot him in the head.