sarahstilettos wrote:
I actually like her, she doesn't talk down to me at all. She says that new research show people on the spectrum CAN do cognitive behaviour therapy and she will find me the research papers. I think this one may actually help with my problems :D
FYI: Personally I'm not big on CBT, but nonetheless I bought & read this new book: Valerie Gaus's "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults with Asperger's Syndrome". If you can find it out somewhere, it might be educational or of interest.
sarahstilletos wrote:
But yes - lighthearted thread. Tell me about your shrink -> GO!
Had a shrink for awile, but he left the clinic & the new shrink has personality & manner that utterly rub me wrong way, so I don't see him. So I just see (every week) my counselors/therapists/social workers, and they are sufficient. I did need the shrink (the former one, the nice one) to get to know me well enough to diagnose me & later write letter to help my claim for disability benefits. I don't draw major distinction between professionals depending on their licensure (title, degrees), it's more about how the specific person & I relate/interact/converse that matters. The shrink visits tended to be priority for those who were on meds. & thus appts. ususally were for 15-30 mins. rather than the hour and a half meetings I get with members of my non-shrink support team.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*