Rossi wrote:
Sora wrote:
Not taking in a situation that confuses and upsets you due to overloads or messed up routines or fear of the unknown - do you generally feel anxious in any other social situation?
Is there any other reason for feeling anxious in a social situation than those you have already excluded ?
Don't know - for me those are the main reasons why I feel anxious
If one has social anxiety, then I believe yes, there's a difference. These three reasons I wrote have nothing to do with social interaction per se and can cause anxiety in a situation in which there are no other people present. Social anxiety on the other hand is all about socially interacting with people, about worrying for overloads or embarrassment, but the fear of it going to happen is the main point, not the event happening itself. I guess.
I'm not anxious of meeting people and my main problem is that I just can't interact properly with them because I don't understand them all that much. Maybe I'll know people better in another 10 years, but my autistic behaviour concerning issues in social situation are my worst problem.
I'm the total opposite of worrying about social situations, I'm totally clueless about these matters unless I think hard on them, with the exception that I learned to fear bullying greatly, because I never realised that I was bullied until it was too late.