I've got 3 daughters one which are 8, 5, and 3.
The ones that are 8 and 5 both have dyspraxia- but in differing ways and degrees.
They both wear glasses. One of them has duane syndrome.
One child- the 8 year old reacts slowly to things (sometimes.) Her work tempo at school is very slow. For example, having to copy a question out of a book, and then answer the question is something that seems difficult. Whereas the rest of the class can do a few pages, she will do half a page worth.
She has problems with understanding how maths works. It doesn't help to demontrate things visually. Before she was 8, she found it difficult to have friends. Children didn't tease her, but they gave her a wide berth. Finally a girl said "shall we be friends", and now she has a small circle of friends. That girl has lesbian mothers, so I'm guessing she might have had less resistance to perceived difference, that other people might have had.
My daughter seemed to make little progress in the first academic year of learning to read, and then suddenly she could, and adeptly too.
She writes slowly. She seems to approach making the letters as if she's drawing a work of art.
If you met her, you wouldn't spot immediately that there was anything the matter. I myself wouldn't have known- only the school brought me to this rude awakening.
She does make eye contact with her family, but with others it's less, and usually no eye contact whilst talking.
I noticed that she didn't respond quickly to people that greeted her.
I've told her that Einstein and Edison had the same sort of brain and that they sometimeshad problems in their life, but they were brilliant never-the-less. I also showed her a book about an autistic boy. She told me that she also found it difficult to adjust to changes in plans. I didn't notice that myself. It seems to have boosted her self-esteem.
Tomorrow they will do an EEG to find out if she has epilepsy and absences (I think that our family doctor wants to explore all other avenues before autism.)
Thanks for all your replies. I sometimes need to discuss things relating to my family in a safe environment.