Lene wrote:
I always felt kind of weird saying hello to people in the hallways at school- always as if there was some kind of etiquette that I should follow. For example, if you've said hello to a person already in the corridor, are you expected to say hi again if you meet them coming the other way? What happens in between classes when you know everybody by sight but aren't particularily good friends with them? I used to go through stages of waving and saying 'hi' to everyone, but then I started to feel like the queen mother...
I hate the hallway situation and not knowing if I should say hello each time I see the same person in the same day. I say it as I feel awkward not saying anything, but then feel awkward saying it when I have already.
I tend to look at people and say hell as pass them in opposite direction as it breaks the awkwardness of walking past and not wanting to avoid looking at them and ti be misinterpreted as rudeness or intimidation. Bearsac will often say hello to them. As I am bad with faces I don't know if they are friend or foe or unknown to me. I get a lot of positive reaction about Bearsac, but also bad, so not knowing if they are friend or foe, and having to say something to avoid the awkwardness is a battle.
I find it easier to recognise people in my town if they are photographed with Bearsac on his website, then I can study their faces to help me rememeber. When I do recognise people it is easier to decide if I just give a passing hello, or stop and talk, and easier to know if I have seen them that day. It is easier to just smile and walk by if it is in the street than in a hallway.
It's just amazing how bears and people can be.