Do you ever have this feeble, quiet, shy, unsure, sad, shaky, old, tired, and/or "dying" voice? I do sometimes and it annoys the crap out of me and now that I'm away from my mother who used to sound like that a lot and I don't have to hear that disturbing lack of life or resignment to depression or giving-up-and-taking-it-like-a-tolerant-angel-and-not-trying-to-get-rid-of-problems-or-do-something-fun-anymore, that voice like you just got out of bed and want to go back to bed and stay there and relax (and for them it means they're just dying to crawl back into bed and deteriorate more and rot in bed trying to sleep off what they'll never sleep off) , or whatever it is, in others' voices I feel a lot better.