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24 Mar 2008, 9:34 pm ... s-Syndrome
working link:

I wouldn't know. No one has ever cared enough to put the tips into practice.


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24 Mar 2008, 9:45 pm

It's a good article for "how to get your ass kicked by someone with asperger's" or maybe "how to get someone with asperger's to avoid you because they think you have much worse issues than they do"

Sea Gull
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24 Mar 2008, 9:55 pm

That made me laugh, i was kinda gloomy but now I'm not. :lol:

The article does seem fairly accurate, it would work with me i would think. I couldn't resist pretending half of the tips were pertaining to befriending feral cats or a squirrel though. :lol:

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24 Mar 2008, 10:02 pm

Yeah, it kinna makes us sound like we are rabid bears escaped from a performing circus and we are pretty pissed off about it. It was definitely weird. I'm going to try this on all my aspie friends now. (Facetious laughing out loud). It made us sound as if we would really enjoy being party to this odd little stupid human experiment.

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24 Mar 2008, 10:14 pm

Now that link says "we don't have an article by that name"-so haven't seen/read whatever it was. However, I'd offer this (written for partners, though some could be valid/relevant for "just friends") as relatively inoffensive (from AANE website)- ... tners.html

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Sea Gull
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24 Mar 2008, 10:15 pm

Step #6 : After you have gained his or her trust bring some sort of food( they often like cheese or doritos) and slowly place it between them and you. They will probably back away at first but be patient, soon they will take it. If they run away don't worry, they will learn it was you and slowly come to like you.


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24 Mar 2008, 10:19 pm

Belfast wrote:
Now that link says "we don't have an article by that name"-so haven't seen/read whatever it was. However, I'd offer this (written for partners, though some could be valid/relevant for "just friends") as relatively inoffensive (from AANE website)- ... tners.html

it works. for some reason the link cut off at the apostrphe in asperger's. here is the correct link.'s-Syndrome

that aside, it seems like it should be a joke. 8O
some of it reminds me of how you would work with an abused dog to make it more adoptable.

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24 Mar 2008, 10:34 pm

RampionRampage wrote:
it works. for some reason the link cut off at the apostrphe in asperger's. here is the correct link.'s-Syndrome

that aside, it seems like it should be a joke. 8O
some of it reminds me of how you would work with an abused dog to make it more adoptable.

Okay, I took a look.
Didn't seem especially awful, just a bit overly general/simplistic-but isn't that the case with guidelines for any "category" of persons ? I've seen/heard much worse, in terms of inaccuracies, misinformation, stereotypes, etc.
In some ways, I am like a skittish animal-so advice that comes from that perspective doesn't seem to far off the mark. The stuff about BD/SM towards end of article felt tad out of place (lumped together with the general social info. in rest of it), but hey, it's not for me to say...

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24 Mar 2008, 10:49 pm

2. WE AREN'T BIRDS!! !! !
3. WE DON'T WANT many conversations!

The rest is probably ok.


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24 Mar 2008, 11:33 pm

2 is just ridiculous

3 & 5 actually make some sense. Just don't go to any extremes.

6 is probably a good idea, though you'd probably want to be more diplomatic about it than they have. If someone I didn't know well told me that something I was doing was "usually considered inappropriate" it could come off as condescending.

Some of the "tips" are kind of stereotypical, but maybe useful.

The warnings seem absurd, though I guess I'd never thought about things that way before. :)


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25 Mar 2008, 12:19 am

I have the feeling they would want to trow a gunny sack over me and haul me off somewhere 8O


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25 Mar 2008, 12:41 am

Number 2, No. Number 6, be careful with that.

Some of the warnings about BDSM were, interesting...

8O :lol: :x

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25 Mar 2008, 2:16 am

At least we can say we come with a manual :D

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25 Mar 2008, 2:30 am

1. Good luck.
2. Well, it shouldnt be too hard to figure out our patterns. But for jesus christ sake, DONT ****ING SIT NEXT TO ME! :evil:
3. Shut up, i dont care.
4. No thanks.
5. I dont care
6. Hard one. I would tell you to go to hell, but it might just be my stubborness.
7. No, please dont introduce me to your friends, i dont care about them.

MUST be a joke. I would hate anybody who does that in order to get in contact with me. Just spit it out, dont play games.


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25 Mar 2008, 4:56 am

number two would really creep me out. i'd go to a different table the next day, and he'd be there. do the same the next day, and he'd still be sitting next to me... 8O


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25 Mar 2008, 5:30 am

1) good luck, people didnt see it at me only if you tell them
2) depens if that works with me, sometimes i am walking and someone passes who i know , i didnt know he passed because later he says he i saw you that day...people have to say 'hi' or 'hello' or not just walk by and say nothing
3)if they are starting with a topic i know then i can babble about hours but if i dont know nothing about i push it in a way i like it :) If i 'feel' i know someone i can trust i will talk more
4) my club works for me in that way , i go to a club three days in a week and i feel good with the presence of the peeps there. But i dont go to their late night Dungeon and dragon meetings or when they go to movies
5) i try to show emotions but sometimes i cant, on internet it is easy with the emoticons
6) i dont like to offend people, if they say i am different they i say i have asp and they will know it, i dont want to tell them they are strange
7) think they dont like my friends because i dont have plenty to pick of and of those of the club i am not really on a friendly chat basis , i only talk with the boss in the shop and that one is strange :p

1) i dont lie :p
2) my mom asks me alot about history and news and countries (maps)
3) i dont mind hugs from my mom but that is only one who gives them to me , i dont cuddle other people
4) good idea
5) the most rearranging part is done by myself because then i am under control of what is happening and ya if something strange happens then i am sometimes off balance
6) i use msn but i dont chat with people :p sometimes with my nephew who has the same hobby as me (wow and dragons)
7) never been in love before so scratch this one for me for now

1)that is that i have to tell that strange shopkeeper of my club :) he doesnt help me much
2)maybe dont know have no connection with bsdm
3) see 2)
4) so what ? get over it , my mom got over my problems she takes me who i am and what i have , my father (god bless his soul) didnt
5) yep we arent dummies
6) i am gentle peep around exept when i am pushed then you will find me angry
7) idd

sorry for been rude sometimes or emotionless or hurting feelings ; i got as for something