Being able to access their community,without it setting off headbanging and flesh biting,severe crippling sensory and information overload setoff meltdowns with seizures,sensory scrambling [losing eyesight because of other strong sensory input],being able to communicate verbally with everyone else in their community and not having to relie on others to do it,and then- not being treated like a toddler for it,not having to wear earplugs and eardefenders ontop everywhere.
Being able to cope with change,without MDs and seizures,head banging and flesh biting etc.
Being able to go in any shop no matter what overload shops have going on.
Having showers or baths [water on their skin] like it is nothing.
Being able to go to the hair dressers,and get their hair cut.
Being able to cope with noises such as fireworks or lawn mowers,or stay in the same building as switched on hair dryers,hoovers etc.
Being able to cope with processing more than one instruction at a time.
Could come up with a load more but it's all bad stuff which don't want to think about.
All humans probably have something easy and natural to them,like breathing which some find nearly impossible.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!