jawbrodt wrote:
I think I know what you mean. It's almost like others expect, that your response will be worthless anyhow, and sometimes start talking before you've even finished what you were saying. No apology, no nothing. Like your input is meaningless. It makes you want to give up trying to communicate. It really pisses me off. I usually end up walking away, if possible. Sound close?

I almost screamed when I read this! Why are families like this? (Luckily, I never have this problem at work. Maybe because I'm the tech support guy, and people depend on me.) My family expects everything I say to be worthless, so they talk over me all the time. But I found a method that helps me fight this. I start talking, and when I notice other people starting to talk over me, I suddenly stop in mid-sentence. Surprisingly, I shocks enough people notice, and stop talking, solely for the purpose of hearing the rest of the phrase.
Next time, I plan to try a slightly different method. I'm still going to cut off in mid-sentence, but instead of finishing my phrase, I'm going to tell a one-liner dirty joke. (A one-liner is quick, so I that I can finish it before my family starts ignoring me.) The shocked look on everyone's faces will be priceless. After all, don't get mad, get even.