Do you ever want it to be about YOU just once?
Not about how the people you inconvenienced feel. Not about how the people you had misunderstandings with feel. Not about how the normal people forced to live with an atypical person feel. Not about how the people who get offended by your wierd way of dressing or whatever feel. But how YOU feel being subjected to all this. For once, not about how you inconvenienced the NTs by having to have them accomodate for your difference, but how the NT world inconveniences you because you have to accomodate or because they think it should always be you who has to accomodate. For once, not about how you misunderstood the NT, but how the NT misunderstood you. For once, not about how typical people are forced to live with a wierdo, but how an atypical person is forced to live with robots. For once, not about how you offend people by dressing wierd or having a wierd taste in music or food or something, but how THEY offend YOU by trying to make you dress like them, listen to stuff that' more like what they listen to, etc.
Most books and movies mentioning autism defend the country-club NT parents and the schools and the NT society. They don't tell it from the eccentric minority group point of view.
Society seems all about empathizing and sympathizing with the NTs who have to live with us and helping us conform and only empathizing with us when we're trying to conform but have a hard time. But if we have a hard time being ouselves because of NT society repression, we don't get sympathy or empathy, and we never get it for having to live with NTs. We're a minority geroup and I hate it.
Yes, I'm still whining, and I will until someone tells me to shut up, and I tell them off, and I get banned for it.
Last edited by Ana54 on 20 Mar 2008, 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Actually, I don't mind separating those who are willing to work with me (i.e., we accommodate each other) from those who just want to work on me. That way I know who truly wants to be my friend, come what may. There are a couple of those, and I'm glad to know it.
However, YES, I do wish that sometimes I could tell them (even the understanding ones) that it's not just that "I can't help it." It's also that I feel inconvenienced, and in pain, and that a lot of the time, I just wish I weren't the way I am (no, I would never take a cure). I wish I could say that it isn't just that I don't understand their motivations or their questions, but that I wish from the deepest part of me that I could, so that I could be a part of their world, on the same footing, truly.
And as far as I'm concerned, whine away. It's good to know, in a way, that someone else is alive and awake at this godforsaken hour.
Is it possible to agree more than 100%? I hope so. This is exactly how I feel, especially after having years of not knowing I had AS and just being told to 'be like everyone else,' 'stop moaning about everything,' 'don't let things get to you,' etc etc ad nauseum. I might be difficult at times but I don't mean to be, and I try my best noe to inconvenience or hurt people, but before they start bitching maybe they should stop and live a few days in my shoes. Got my ranting hat on now... Grrrr!