I took drinking to it's furthest limit possible, without dying. Yes, it was great in the beginning, but it's only self-medication and will progress to alcoholism. At my peak, I was drinking 1 fifth of 100 proof whiskey, and 1/2 + case of beer, every day. It was very expensive and eventually, I found my liver actually starting to hurt, and I was vomiting blood every day. Age 27, it was either quit or die. I did quit, but that's another story.
My point, if you feel the need to modify your state of mind, try experimenting with some prescription meds. They can be quite helpful/pleasant, and are less likely to destroy your life. Trust me, you want to keep alcohol use to a minimum. I'm just speaking from experience. I used to think it was harmless too. OK, I'm done preaching now.
Those who speak, don't know.
Those who know, don't speak.