Or acted like they might think that?
I remember my mother telling me she knew me better than I knew myself once but that was about something I decided wasn't threatening... another time, when I was 14, this shrink who diagnosed me with AS, a famous autism specialist, made the assumption that I didn't know better about something, and actually said, "I, for example, know to stop talking when someone else is talking. You don't." In a way that was nice, of course, but still, it was so false. Because, while it was wrong for me not to stop, sometimes, you feel like you'll get depressed if you keep something in, and he probably won't get depressed if he keeps what he has to say in for another minute because he's not talking about himself; he's going to be talking about me anyway. He's the doctor. He was so nice but I think it showed he might have been getting a little complacent. He told me if I had any questions to ask him anytime. I thought, what does he mean? Does he mean questions about me? After all, since he's the EXPERT, he should know better than I do about me.
Or about autism, which he would say was about me too because after all, I was autistic, therefore this thing about autistics might also be about me. How would he take it if I questioned my diagnosis to him?
I think a good shrink teaches people how to explain things about themselves, not tells them things about themselves that they don't understand and they want you to assume are true because they're the expert, and then you get brainwashed thinking you're a routine nut just because he said so (because all other autistics are) or something, I'm not that good at explaining tonight, whatever. Or if they tell you you do this because of this, because most people are like that, but really you did this for a different reason. Autism specialists don't ask how you feel about anything. At least mine didn't. They just read books, listen to other people's complaints about you, like your parents', and see how you act, but don't ask why or if you did it for a different reason but don't know how to EXPLAIN why. And then they make the diagnosis based on all that shallowness.
I think this is a bit scary, at least for me, because other people seem to have so much power sometimes.