I do struggle with getting to sleep, but usually once asleep I hate waking up, and sleep does not really refresh me. I get distracted easily, and so end up thinking or contemplating.
Mum2ASDboy wrote:
zen_mistress wrote:
I had problems sleeping at bedtime when I was a child. I think that it was because i wanted to read my books and for some reason night seemed to be the best time for it. Nothing was bothering me.
Im still a bit like this. I go to bed at 11 but my brain takes about an hour to calm down from its thinking in order to go to sleep.
There could be another thing.. is he having problems with the texture of the sheets, or pillow?
Perhaps you could ask him to draw a picture of why he doesnt like to go to sleep.
Well he does love his books in bed and really doesn't like them being taken away. Will ask about the sheets and pillows. He can't draw, fine motor problems.
Could there be a confusion going on, and he associates bed with books, rather than sleeping? Maybe that would explain why he doesn't like them being taken away to some extent.