Here is a statement made by Amy (one of the founders of AFF) as posted on AFF forums:
The member called TheASman, after having to have numerous warnings from myself, Gareth, and a moderator, for misrepresenting himself in other places than this site with regards to being an admin of AFF, or some authority, and certain behaviour on wikipedia, and also in the chatrooms, finally broke the last straw yesterday, and got a suspension on his membership to give us time to discuss it with moderators, and admin of the chat network, which is not specifically part of AFF, but
We have tried to be tolerant, but spending hours, sometimes hours in a day, trying to sort out these issues has become a huge drain on us.
TheASman has chosen to claim he was totally banned, which isn't true, and not to be honest about the reasons, but thats ok, we have finally had some hours of peace on the network, on the site, and on msn, and its been quite a relief for us.