****The Offical ARGGGGGHHHHHH!! !! ! Thread

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20 Mar 2008, 12:47 am

I am putting this threat up for those that have days where you just want to scream and yell because you cannot handle life and what it throws at you.

So if you want to just rant and rave, POST here

Last edited by IdahoAspie on 20 Mar 2008, 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.


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20 Mar 2008, 12:48 am



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20 Mar 2008, 12:50 am

My rave is against lawyers.

My personal experience is that lawyers are snakes. They lie, cheat, rip you off, and bill you for it at the end of the day.

Who the hell thinks so highly of themselves as to charge $120+ an hour. They don't build anything. They don't produce anything. They create nothing.

It is like the only thing they do is leach off the progress and work of others. They complicate things far more than they need. They have devolved society greatly.

I think all lawyers should be government workers and work for what government workers make. They are not worth $120 a hour, even if they always won.

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20 Mar 2008, 1:16 am

Mine is about people believing that school ( state controlled public) is good for children or society.


:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


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20 Mar 2008, 1:25 am

why don't people read?
why don't they call?
why don't they read before they buy rather than wait until later demand what they didn't pay for and wasn't part of the deal?
why do they scream at you when you are not the govenment?

why do they say "oh, you don't know how difficult it is . . I am on a fixed income
so am I!! what, do you think I can pull overtime out of my hat? Oh, I need to pay the light bill, thank goodness my income is not fixed. . .and I can just have that money out of my non fixed income. . .WTF?

why do they say "oh, I know $70.00 don't sound like much to you. . but to me it is a lot of money?" What? are they kidding? of COURSE they put the millionaires on the customer service lines, we are so rich we don't even HAVE To work, we just come in for the fun of it!

and I KNOW you are not rolling in dough, but who do you think answeres the phone and pay at the rates your pittance premium will buy?? ARRRRAAAAAAAAAGGGHAHGHAHGHAGHAHHH!

thanks, I feel better.



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20 Mar 2008, 1:31 am

Yay, another one! Now I don't have to worry about double and quadruple-posing in the few other ones there are!

I feel like such a bad person. When I was 17, 18, the beginning of age 19, I used to understand the natural selection thing and never felt and obligation to anyone, and it was so wonderful. I had to get my feelings out and get what I needed, regardless of whatever else it did in the world, to anyone else or whatever. Why do I need my f*****g parents? Why do I care what they think and say? Why can't I just let it go?


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20 Mar 2008, 1:39 am

Ok, I have another too;

Agressive drivers! OUch, they piss me off! Who the hell do you think you are? Is what is do important as to put people's lives and property at risk?

Those that cannot just wait a second, don't try and pass on the right, that is dangerous, stupid, illegal, and shows a lack of maturity to be behing the wheel.

PUT DOWN the cell phone. Some people can drive and talk on the phone, BUT YOU CANNOT. You just ran a stop sign, cut that car off, and/or nearly clipped a car making that turn.

Get off my bumper. If you think riding my tail is going to make me go faster YOU ARE WRONG!

I feel a little better now.


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20 Mar 2008, 1:47 am

My 9 y/o AS DD and 5 y/o mentally ret*d son(with MANY autistic traits) are both on school break. My 9 y/o is constantly fighting with her 4 y/o sister. 9 y/o is having daily meltdowns and so is 5 y/o whenever he doesn't get his way. 4 y/o is doing her best to push both their buttons. Add that hubby works from home and I have to TRY to keep the kids quiet when he's on conference calls and AAAUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!

Oh, and we have a 4 month old baby who can't seem to nap this week because the older kids are too freakin' noisy and keep waking him up! Tired and unhappy baby= VERY tired and unhappy mom.


I'm not looking forward to our birth-mom visitation with the baby tomorrow because he's going to be a clingy, needy, little monster for about 2 days after the visit. I can't wait until this adoption is finalized and we're done with her.


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20 Mar 2008, 1:55 am

People think you can always just get over it, drop it, discard it, forget it, fake it and yo'll feel better. It isn't as simple or as easy as that. Why are so many people so ignorant? Maybe they're lucky, if it's because they've never had any complex issues. They're probably just isnorant and don't know it hurts to be told to drop it, as if I'm being a brat because I'm not dropping it, as if the reason why I'm not over it is I'm being stubborn, as if the reason I'm not putting it behind me is because I'm trying to stir s**t, as if my unhappiness is my fault.

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20 Mar 2008, 1:55 am

Ugh. My life is a book best read backwards. Like a bad song stuck in reverse that skips. I am not sick of life but I am sick of people. I don't understand why fate thinks it is so hilarous to push my sanity by bringing people back from my past. :cry:

It is not an easy thing for me to completely erase something from memory only to have it appear a mere three years later. What am I suppose to do with it now? I adapt to the seasons better than I adapt to the tides of people that come and in and out of my life with intentions unknown.


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20 Mar 2008, 3:38 am


thats for my mom, my dad, the ssi office, and doctors who dont want to diagnose


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20 Mar 2008, 4:06 am


And for stalkers.

Four is the only number which is itself has the same number of letters as it itself is.


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20 Mar 2008, 5:26 am

IdahoAspie wrote:
Agressive drivers! OUch, they piss me off! Who the hell do you think you are? Is what is do important as to put people's lives and property at risk?

Those that cannot just wait a second, don't try and pass on the right, that is dangerous, stupid, illegal, and shows a lack of maturity to be behing the wheel.

PUT DOWN the cell phone. Some people can drive and talk on the phone, BUT YOU CANNOT. You just ran a stop sign, cut that car off, and/or nearly clipped a car making that turn.

Get off my bumper. If you think riding my tail is going to make me go faster YOU ARE WRONG!

I feel a little better now.

Absolutely agree!!

There was an old guy who cut off the bus I was on the other day, and the driver was ropeable! Buses don't have seat belts so passengers can go flying when a driver hits the brakes!

My present peeve; LACK OF TIME!! (Hopefully the Easter break helps!)


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20 Mar 2008, 7:20 am

IdahoAspie wrote:
My rave is against lawyers.

My personal experience is that lawyers are snakes. They lie, cheat, rip you off, and bill you for it at the end of the day.

grr. yeah. I suspect that they are responcible for destroying my closest friendship. My ex friend was likely a little gullible, and actualy believed that outstanding #$% lie that I was, "working for the attacker". I thought "WHAT?! This is why you don't let me talk to you anymore?!" Man I felt so cheated and back prodded. I couldn't have cared less about that xxxxx! :x Yet, she gave me her number and adress, and all I heard every time I called was "She's not here. She's out with her friends/boyfriend/at work. Don't call again." :evil:

The loyer they had was definatly a jerk. Before he lied like that, we couldn't have been closer to each other. We had been friends for four years, and I had even been asked to visit every week! Thanks alot, lawyers, for destroying something very special to me! I'll never forget it! :( :x Thanks alot!

My currect annoyance right now is certain people fatter than me. Not the ordinary fat people. Nope. I mean I'm ticked off about the stupid kind, that think so highly of their looks. It's like they think the world is supposed to revolve around them, and them only! :x They may deny it, but everything they practicaly do seems to based around the image of the waist!

It's so annoying when I do something ordinary and harmless, like everyone else, and they think "Why are they mad at my weight!?" Or they laugh at me for mentioning lunch or food, even if it's to someone else or myself. :evil: :evil: I may be 65 pounds over, but that's no excuse to be such a grade A jerk!!

Stupid, selfish, FAT COWS! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I'm sick of them!

Last edited by LiendaBalla on 20 Mar 2008, 7:34 am, edited 3 times in total.


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20 Mar 2008, 7:24 am

Drivers that don't stop at ped/zebra crossings :evil:
Damien almost got hit by a car today. Scared the crap out of me :!:


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20 Mar 2008, 3:11 pm

My head feel like it's packed tightly full of heavy professional-type modeling clay, and I hope it doesn't cave in on me and trap me inside my head. Jack feels the same way too. Maybe it's the meatballs we had last night that I found gross/bad that were made from ground beef from the freezer. Or maybe it was the old pot I made the spaghetti in, assuming ti was okay and we wouldn't die. Lead poisoning?? Maybe it's LEAD weighing down our brains!