It's worth a try, in the sense that if you find that the first one doesn't help there's no obligation to continue. The vast majority of smokers don't get lung cancer; the risk is double that of the general population, and how many people do you know with lung cancer? The actual numbers are very tiny.
More important is what it will do to your image; if you find yourself disliked now, adding smoking to the mix will only make that worse.
My grandpa smoked all his life and lived to be eighty. But I wouldn't count on that even if you never light up in your life.
I say buy the pack, smoke the first one (or part of it) when you won't need to be around people for a while and decide whether it actually helps. If not, you have a pack of smokes you don't know what to do with (you can toss them if you want) and your breath smells bad for a while. If it helps, determine whether it helps enough to justify the expense of buying them, the added stigma of being a smoker on top of being an Aspie, the health risks (it is not certain that you would die from them... but it isn't certain you wouldn't, either; even so, the title of this thread is misleading), the fact that your movements will be somewhat restricted (i.e., the smoking sections of restaurants, and not spending a long time in places where you can't bring them with you) and the fact that should you become addicted (again, not a certainty if you light up once, nor even more than once-- but very likely) you will be vulnerable because you will depend on your cigarettes. If it's not worth it, again, you'll have a pack of cigs and nothing to use them for (actually, you do have a use for them, if you have a garden).
You want to know what I think is probably gonna happen? You're gonna take my advice, go out and buy a pack. You're gonna take a drag, start coughing and wonder why you even considered this. No harm, no foul.
I'm using a non-verbal right now. I wish you could see it. --dyingofpoetry