blackcat wrote:
My kind loving grandparents now shun me because my mother revealed to them that I often lay under my matress,sleep under the bed, and sit in my closet for extended periods of time. I was yelled at by both of them over the phone at school yesterday. "Why do you do stupid stuff like that?! !! How old are you?! ! It's time for you to grow up!! are you stupid?! ! Yes you ARE stupid if you're laying UNDER the matress like that!! ! Your mama should just take the whole bed out of the room and see what you lay under then!! I am tired of hearing about all this stuff you do! It's ridiculous,don't you know it's ridiculous?! ! Yes you do know! Do you need help?! ! Do you need to take some kind of medicine?! ! The stay frome under the dog gone mattress. You got to stop acting like that!! !...." and so on and so forth. Thanks mom. Thanks for screwing up every thing....then again it is my fault for being weird. I could be normal if I tried right? Beacause I do everything because I WANT TO right? I'm in control of every feeling that over comes me? I make her do things in anger(like slap me in the face or crack my skull) but when she makes me mad yelling is my choice?! ! I'm the one with the problem?! !! I have the issues?! ! I hate people....this is why I hate people. They make no sense.
u are not stupid and what u should do is talk to your psycolosick he can help
we are the hatecrew we stand and we wont fall!,maybe we are not so different after all
..dead..what u know about dead?
feel free to talk:)