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Snowy Owl
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30 Mar 2008, 2:24 pm

I just posted this over on my blog and thought I'd give you guys a shot at me. ... zd3n7o2rmb

I don't know whether this qualifies as an obsession, or just wierd. :lol:

I always have carried many things with me, "just in case." This was noted by people around me as a child and I'm still know as the "go-to" person for a knife, tool, pen, pencil, note paper, etc. I usually wear cargo pants, because of the many pockets, a two-pocket shirt and a vest with pockets inside and outside.

Right now, I have on my person:

Shirt pockets - pen,
felt tip
knife sharpener
cell phone
glasses cloth
note cards
alcohol wipes
ear plug batteries
school district ID badge

On my belt - money in inner zippered compartment
key ring w/keys
cell phone
small flashlight
IWB holster w/P85
watch chain

Right hip pocket - handkerchief
Cricket flip knife

Right front pocket - watch
money clip
loose change
worry rock
handcuff key

Right cargo pocket - Kershaw flip knife
electronic ear plugs
lighter flints
cigarette case

Left front pocket- wallet
single blade Old Timer knofe

Left cargo pocket- gloves
Crescent wrench, 6"
flint striker
flint shard
P85 magazine

Vest carry depends on which vest I don, as I wear one of several, depending on the activity anticipated. I keep several in the cab of the pickup.

I'm not even going to go into what I carry in the pickup.

Thus, I am pretty well prepared for any type of environment, urban or rural. I've always wanted to carry what I might need, so I don't forget it before I find myself in need. Hmmmmmm



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30 Mar 2008, 2:32 pm

i have done that too...since I was young...maybe not so extensively as all that....and....not so much lately, but in the past....

I am also prone to carrying my ukulele with me everywhere I go...and my sewing supplies...

I went through phases where I always had a backpack with me for all of my "supplies"....books....drawing materials....etc..etc..etc....

I started having back problems and don't really do that anymore.
I also evolved by getting a basket on the back of my bike to take the pressure off my back..

When I was a kid, I would carry a pocket knife and homemade first aid kit and other things like that just in case.

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30 Mar 2008, 2:38 pm

i used to carry around some baseball cards with me all the time, apparently embaressing my family when i was wih them in public. now i carry around my fire agates and since im not going to be living with my family anymore im going to carry even more things with me

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30 Mar 2008, 3:13 pm

Going out has always been an event for me, as have to make sure I have certain things and this can be very difficult as a mother. Not only worrying I have what I need, making sure everyone else has what I feel the need also.

But over the years I have learned to become so organized, always getting everything raedy the night before..

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30 Mar 2008, 3:19 pm

I got a mental picture of you wearing a trench coat, trying to go through a metal detector at the airport. Like that scene in The Matrix, they ask you to open your coat, and WHOA, what's with all these weapons ! !!

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30 Mar 2008, 3:52 pm

asplanet wrote:
Going out has always been an event for me, as have to make sure I have certain things and this can be very difficult as a mother. Not only worrying I have what I need, making sure everyone else has what I feel the need also.

But over the years I have learned to become so organized, always getting everything raedy the night before..

Be prepared topic

I think it is a bit of OCDifference. I need all my paraphernalia or i will have forgotten something and have to go back for it. :D

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30 Mar 2008, 4:23 pm

For years I've carried a box of stuff in the boot of my car.

Not as extensive as your list, but I used to stock everything I could think of in case of a breakdown. The thing is, I've never had a mechanical failure on the road. Nowadays, I just keep the wrenches I use for oil changes and such in the box.

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30 Mar 2008, 4:55 pm

My handbag straps just broke because I carry so much stuff in it that the weight has killed it. This is the fifth time it's happened in two years. But it makes it easy to go out when I can just grab my bag and know everything I need is in it - people always seem astonished at how well-equipped I am. I've now decided it may be an idea to buy cheaper bags and save some money...

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30 Mar 2008, 5:00 pm

So you like to feel prepared, what's wrong with that? :wink:

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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30 Mar 2008, 6:07 pm

So you like to feel prepared, what's wrong with that?

I must admit that I don't carry my razor. Just where are you, again? :lol: :wink:


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30 Mar 2008, 7:16 pm

rifler39 wrote:
So you like to feel prepared, what's wrong with that?

I must admit that I don't carry my razor. Just where are you, again? :lol: :wink:



Speaking of razors, my arm's been feeling without one.


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30 Mar 2008, 8:39 pm

SilverProteus wrote:
So you like to feel prepared, what's wrong with that? :wink:

I don't think there's anything wrong with being prepared.
I used to carry a huge backpack with me every time I went out when I was younger. It had many things inside of it, even things that I wouldn't need such as a photo of my aunties dog in a frame. :lol:

I also went through a phase of carrying weapons with me. This one didn't last very long because I almost got in serious trouble with the law for it. Besides, I was only 13 at the time.

I still carry things with me when I go out, but not as many things as I used to. Now i've got it down to...

-First aid supplies
-cell phone
-pocket knife
-pen & note paper

but thats only to go to the food store. :lol:

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30 Mar 2008, 9:15 pm

SilverProteus wrote:
So you like to feel prepared, what's wrong with that? :wink:

Exactly what I was thinking. :lol:


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30 Mar 2008, 9:17 pm

Why do you have two cell phones? And your... arsenal, I suppose... seems rather excessive. What, are you planning on outfitting a small militia?



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30 Mar 2008, 9:25 pm

I treat my pockets like saddle bags. I've got a little bit of everything I need in each pocket. Money, change, pens, MP3 player, Nintendo DS...

And then my fiance hands me everything she has to carry.

Snowy Owl
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30 Mar 2008, 10:17 pm

OK, the story on the cell phones: Friend of FirstInLine's was having a bit of financial bind. I had an extra cell phone which wasn't being used except to carry my spare battery. I charged it up to loan to said friend. Now that I have it back, it has time on it which needs to be used up before it expires.

Being armed: I have gone armed for most of my adult life. Sometimes because I got paid to do so and at other times because I had always gone about such. I teach firearms and am pretty good at it. I enjoy the concentration and control it takes to be a marksman. (I could probably come up with a few other comments, but those are the strongest reasons.)


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