Chimchar wrote:
I feel bad for those misinformed narrow-minded people. I went to the site just for the hell of it to see if I could debate with those people. When I went there, I felt like I didn't know what I was talking about. But I knew I pointed out some insightful stuff.
I wanted to see 'autism' from their perspective, and forums was filled with flamewars, and heated arguments. Most of the members are really biased people, many people are making stuff up and exaggerate things. They tend to flame and attack autistic members.
What do you think?
Would you join the community and debate with them? The more the better.
Am a member [though innactive] at autism speaks to [a lot of WPers are,and there are users here who started on AS] ,am do not think most of the members are really biased, most are parents and have a different look at autism than autistics themselves.
The problem am see on AS [autism speaks],is clashing with experiences of Autism-aspies have a real truth about some of their users only ever seeing autism as the classic type,but aspies are also known to do it themselves when they say things like autism is okay,is a difference,able to do everything,not a disability,and no one should cure it because it's got so much great traits etc- ignoring the opposite experience of Autism,it happens on here to so AS users can't be called the only ones doing it.
There does need to be more Autism spectrum awareness on there,to help all understand ASD,and not just see the one side,then again,am would say the same for any ASD forum.
If their only experience of autism is from a young child,they're not going to know what it's like in an adult,that is where places like WP could come in.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!