Personally, I love the autumn. Used to like winter, now I get S.A.D. when the days get short and become suicidal. Being from the south I could do without hot hot summers and stifling humidity.
Are we exceptionally attractive? I never used to think so (in fact I always thought of myself as rather plain and forgettable), but I see photos of myself as a teen and twenty-something now and think "Damn, I wish I'd known back then how cute I was."
Aversion to using people's names? Do you mean when speaking to them, or when speaking about them? I'd never thought about it, but I do rarely call someone by name, unless I'm upset with them. I have learned over the years to thank people by name when they've helped me or done an unselfish service, but that didn't come naturally. Hmm.
Here's one for your list: apparently, according to a thread I saw yesterday, a majority of us like long, hot showers.