gypsyRN wrote:
sometimes i "type" out words/sentences in my head prior to saying them, and sometimes what people will say comes up as written words too, but not always. in situations (around kids or MR clients) where secrecy about what's being discussed is needed, i've found that others can't follow my spell-outs of words, because i don't give them time to figure it out.
for me, smells have memories attached to them. maybe that's why places like Bath & Body Works and fragrance counters at department stores make me freak overload. it's the textures that i feel in colors, and sometimes in letters too. maybe the best way of explaining the texture thing is:
i feel something
i think of the noise it would make when roughed up with a stick, etc.
i see the letters which would spell that noise
sometimes the letters are in colors/lights
(all this happens instantaneously though)
there are certain words which i cannot stand hearing or saying, and others which i look for opportunities to use, as they "feel good" to me. 2 favorites are spatula and satchel.
it's funny how many things i alway assumed were normal!
Wow! You have just described my thought process to a T! Much better, then I ever could have, BTW. When I was a kid I used to silently spell out everything everyone around me said. I think I must've been terribly nonresponsive, because I was too busy typing the words in my head to say anything back. Letters, and words have always been one my main perseverations.
Words with ly at the end have always been my favorite, like actually, evidentally, ect... They just roll of the tongue so nicely.