Grey_Kameleon wrote:
Do people with NLD tend to be 'visual' people, like AS and ADHD? I hear about the visual/spatial deficits, and I wonder if that would apply to me. My intelligence is almost entirely visual
You are contradicting yourself there. It is understandable because the label is not intuitive. It is called Non-Verbal Learning Disorder because the problem lies in anything *other than* verbal. In other words they are good at speaking.
I am diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. That is because the people the diagnosed me don’t do diagnosis with the specific cookie cutter arbitrary requirements like AS, NLD and ridiculous PDD-NOS. I agree those terms merely have historical significance, they got us to this point but it is time for some joined up thinking. The psychologist does informally refer to me as Asperger's and this doesn't bother me, although I'm not so sure I fit it too well with the Asperger's (stereotype) really. It seems there is still a view that Asperger’s and ‘HFA’ are the be all and end all in terms of higher functioning individuals. I’m happy to be identified as an Aspie for now, but don’t tell me nothing has moved on since the 1940s.
I have AS traits but I also have some NLD traits to the extreme. I have cognitive problems including clinical Executive Dysfunction. One of my cognitive problems is my thoughts are completely blind and I'm not directly connected with them. I can’t see images in my head at all except in dreams. I really do mean that, I often get replies from people I tell this like: "I bet you can picture something familiar like Donald duck". Nope. I can think but I don't see anything in my head. It is quite difficult to describe or even know how I’m thinking. I do not think ‘in’ anything.