For furthur study, read:
Jane Robert's The Nature of Personal Reality and Adventures in Consciousness (or anythingelse in The Seth Material series)
Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger, or Right Where You Are Sitting Now, The New Inquisition, Prometheus Rising or Anarchic Harmony
Idries Shah's The Sufis
Just to get you started seriously speculating about perception and reality. Wilson is probably the most accesible read. Also recommend anything by James Campbell as well as the comedy of the late Bill Hicks, and even long serious study of the philosophies ritual magicians of the Golden Dawn and the Native Americans. Carlos Castenada is interesting, too, but to be taken with a grain of salt.
Then jump to Michio Kaku's Hyperspace, Michael Talbot's Holographic Universe or Lisa Randall's Warped Passages
Getting through a lot of this material will force your reading comprehension to a whole new level, but when you really begin to get it, it'll give you a whole new world's worth of possibilities to consider...