Celoneth wrote:
Autism does not give you a high IQ. Autism is an impairment. Acting like you are superior or something because you have a disorder just makes you look ret*d. Someone with cancer doesn't go around being all "oh I'm better than you because I'm sick." I realise that you have a mental disorder so you may not understand that society doesn't like people who act like prats and need to make up some ridiculous "I'm smarter because I have a disease" but that's just how it is.
I agree there is no need for someone to try and act superior to someone else. BUT, can Autism give an advantage to some people on the spectrum ? Can it ? I'm not just referring to savants, either.
In my opinion, the reason that the scientific community is having problems trying to 'define' Autism IS because within the spectrum of disabilities there exist a spectrum of abilities THAT exceed Non-Autistic performance.
Imagine a person who was considered as being disabled because
he could NOT walk YET he could run, and
run with world class speed. This is Autism manifested as a physical disability.