emmaC wrote:
My friend told me yesterday "You have to stop calling me animals when I tell you to stop!"
I've never understood that before, that she really was serious. And now I 'm like pissing her ALL the time. I don't mean it though. I told her " I didn't realize I was hurting you. You have to be more clear" And she said "You have to understand! You're not dumb!"
And I said "It's not easy to understand". She answered "Here you go again, you want me to feel sorry about you because of your autism"
But I'm not looking for empathy. Absolutely not. I just want her to understand that i do have difficulties in understanding people. So I guess i can't tell her anymore "Its hard", cause she will just say "You're trying to make me feel sory for you".
And later she said " It wont make any difference if our friendship ends" But she apologized to me after our phone call. I feel s stupid now

If she only could understand me like other people do. What can I do?
actually, she said it all. It really
won't make any difference to her if your friendship ends except for her embarrassment that she feels the way she does about it. You can't un-ring a bell. It must be difficult to have people know you are autistic and can only defend themselves by accusing you of milking their sympathy, rather than adapting themselves to
you a little.
I have gone through a lot of 'friends' like this, perhaps you are too.