Both seem crap. I don't like control, especially when it isn't earnt. I prefer Democracy, where everyone has an equal say in things, regardless of status.
Sadly, it seems true democracy is a dying concept. People talk about democracy everyday, but nobody seems to know what it means anymore. Nor do they realise how far from true democracy our societies have really become. Every second that passes, our lives are more under the control of police states and massive undemocratic corporations. Politicians just talk for public image, not for what they actually believe in like they did 50 years ago.
For many, democracy means "I can make as much money as I like, how I like, where I like, and sod everyone else". This is not true democracy. Democracy is a process that involves the entire community, and goes beyond just personal freedom.
Look at the polls, guys. Fewer than 30% of young people bother to vote in elections in the UK. Get your act together. Get out and vote and make your voice heard, because in 30 years, you could find that you no longer have that privelidge. As they say: "When people stop believing in Democracy, it ceases to exist".