*What if it Was NTs that Needed Curing Instead?*

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14 Apr 2008, 7:08 am

What if in fact it was 25% or more of "NT"s who really needed curing?

What if some NTs, perhaps the very ones most responsible for the worst of the noise and speed and flashing lights and giddy activity and unpredictability of modern life, were actually Aspies/AS transformed by the food opioids of wheat and dairy, aswell as the painkiller sugar, into stimulus-seeking, (over) excited, unstable, irresponsible, reckless, mood-disordered, elated, or dramatically depressive, excessive and exaggerated/exaggerating, "sort-of" NTs?

I was one. I was an aspie's worst nightmare once. I craved change, excitement; i put on music very loud, smoked and drank like a fish at parties, was very wild, journeyed with no money, didn't care if other people were disturbed by me, thought aspie types were boring dull tedious.

...until my fake-personality began to crack, and the exciteability became mood-disorder, followed by hypo-mania and deepening depressions, and my whole body began to fall apart at the seams; constant increasing headaches, unbelievably smelly feet ( toxin build up), and the impression that I was living in some kind of airport crossed with motorway shopping centre and nightclub there was so much unending noise in my head.

I tried cutting out wheat and dairy and sugar , because of a book I read ... ... ... and "turned into" an aspie! 8O :?

...though I didn't know that's what it was called then, just that it was a strangely slow and quiet and socially clunky and obsessive and perfectionist and fussy and painstaking and cautious etc etc person that emerged blinking from the crash of my substance-induced-personality. Gradually I remembered that that is what I had once been like, in a way, at certain periods, in my childhood.

So, what I am wondering is whether there are many others out there, thinking they are dashing exceptional or radical NT types, who have not yet precipitated the collapse of their fake-personality because not subjected their bodies to quite as much stress as I did for about 10 years.

I discovered an aspie under all that "other personality"; which surprised friends of mine too, who liked the zappy buzzy floaty flexible because uncaring, person so much more. She was such fun, though it's true she'd been getting a bit weird, extreme recently, before the change. I know one actually grieved for the loss of the old me.

:?: So how many other aspies might there really be, if wheat and dairy and sugar were declared dangerous mood/personality altering substances for many, and banned?


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14 Apr 2008, 7:59 am

Just a thought, perhaps you didn't become an aspie, so much as you grew up and stopped trying to fit in so much. Thus, your true persona, the aspie, just started coming out a little more each day until it felt safe to just be.

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14 Apr 2008, 8:23 am

Liverbird wrote:
Just a thought, perhaps you didn't become an aspie, so much as you grew up and stopped trying to fit in so much. Thus, your true persona, the aspie, just started coming out a little more each day until it felt safe to just be.

I know that I didn't become an aspie.

That's what I mean about some "NT"s needing curing; that I always was AS/aspie, but that the food opioids in wheat and dairy, plus sugar, acting on a susceptible system from childhood, , had provoked a certain headspace/chemical state which drove increasingly "exciteable" NT passing behaviour in me for many years.

The effect of cutting out wheat and dairy and sugar was immediate. One friend remarked on it within the week; it was not a gradual process of "accepting" my real self, but literally as if I had come off a trip. I seemed to change personality, not through "growing up" :roll: , but through changing my diet.

And seeing as this happened to me I wonder seriously how many other people out there who seem, if not normal exactly, because they might resent you suggesting that about them, but definitely not AS, are in fact aspie , just hopped up on sugar and wheat and dairy.



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14 Apr 2008, 8:30 am

Not caring about desturbing others seems almost like diagnostic criteria for AS; it's not about how wild you are--or aren't--but about how well you're able to get along socially, and how hard that is for you.

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14 Apr 2008, 8:58 am

Jainaday wrote:
Not caring about desturbing others seems almost like diagnostic criteria for AS

Anti-socially, inconsiderately, selfishly not caring, like making noise and not caring if it bothered others, borrowing money and not worrying too much about paying it back, ... ... I don't think that is an aspie trait, which is more like obliviousness than "don't give a damnness". I am suggesting that it is a trait of an aspie transformed into fake-NT by wheat, sugar and dairy.
it's not about how wild you are--or aren't--but about how well you're able to get along socially, and how hard that is for you.

Getting along socially was exactly one of the traits that rapidly evaporated on changing my diet. I became suddenly, woefully according to friends, terribly earnest and serious about things. I no longer bounced and burbled , wasn't half such fun to be with. " Like a cow" said one, like my sister ( very aspie, serious, "dull", conscientious and sensitive), said another. I was transformed, from "social success" to wallflower in a few weeks by diet.

After several dithery years I have been excluding wheat and dairy completely again the last six months, in the hope that I could recapture my old social ease, my old outwardness, my adventurousness, my flexibility, my old anything goes attitudes and capacities, without their more negative corollaries.

I had begun to believe that perhaps AS was partly the consequence of massive gluten reaction in people, but after six months, (the longest I have managed to cut out both at once, as opposed to wheat on its own which I have done for quite long periods a couple of times), I have to admit that it doesn't work. I am aspie.

I was once a sort of NT, sustained, propelled, buoyed up by, wheat and dairy ( casein and gluten are food opioids), and sugar , ( used as a painkiller for surgical operations by the Arabs in the middle ages ), as if they had been some sort of virtuality game device which enabled me to live lightly as if in a virtual reality.

And I wonder whether and how much this effect, on "thousands" of others, may have had devastating knock-on effects on society, and the "acting" aspies in it, both in reducing the number of fully functioning/expressing aspies, with all their sensitivity and seriousness and scrupulousness, and perseverance, and by producing many more people who act the way I did; carelessly, recklessly, wastefully, thoughtlessly, noisily, superficially, cynically, glibly, without conscience.

Wheat and dairy and sugar consumption has been rising for hundreds of years in the west now.( in the far east of course it's a relatively recent phenomenon).


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14 Apr 2008, 9:06 am

So how many other aspies might there really be, if wheat and dairy and sugar were declared dangerous mood/personality altering substances for many, and banned?

You can't ban wheat, dairy, OR sugar. Even to try would be dangerous. 8O

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14 Apr 2008, 9:10 am

slowmutant wrote:
So how many other aspies might there really be, if wheat and dairy and sugar were declared dangerous mood/personality altering substances for many, and banned?
You can't ban wheat, dairy, OR sugar. Even to try would be dangerous. 8O

To whom? :?:



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14 Apr 2008, 9:27 am

ouinon wrote:
slowmutant wrote:
So how many other aspies might there really be, if wheat and dairy and sugar were declared dangerous mood/personality altering substances for many, and banned?
You can't ban wheat, dairy, OR sugar. Even to try would be dangerous. 8O

To whom? :?:


Everybody who's ever heard of wheat, dairy, and sugar.

That's to whom. :hmph:


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14 Apr 2008, 9:28 am

I've had periods of my life when I craved unpredictability, smoked and drank like a fish, put on loud music, etc. Just because someone is an aspie doesn't mean he or she has to program computers all day. AS is not about being a wild partier vs. being a computer geek type - it's much more subtle than that. It just turns out a lot of NT's are wild partiers, and a lot of aspies are computer geek types.


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14 Apr 2008, 9:46 am

"Standard diagnostic criteria require impairment in social interaction, and repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and interests, without significant delay in language or cognitive development."

Sometimes I like wikipedia too much. .

But I do seem to recall from the formal DSM IV diagnostic criteria that it said "social impairment," not any particular thing about, say, "not giving a damn."

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14 Apr 2008, 9:59 am

Does anyone else find the idea of "curing an NT" to be offensive? I don't like it when people talk about curing me - I can't imagine the NT population would feel differently.


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14 Apr 2008, 10:08 am

I think that's the point people usually try to make when they talk about "curing NT's".

Just a guess.

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14 Apr 2008, 10:50 am

Jainaday wrote:
"Standard diagnostic criteria require impairment in social interaction, and repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and interests, without significant delay in language or cognitive development."
Don't see what point the quote is supposed to make.
t0 wrote:
Does anyone else find the idea of "curing an NT" to be offensive? I don't like it when people talk about curing me.

I could have tried describing them as chemically-altered aspies but that doesn't convey so vividly what I want to suggest, which is that there is a huge population of aspies not just hidden in among the NTs as a result of eating what it takes to buzz them up into a virtual reality world where everything is soooo easy, ( and nothing matters, except like in the cinema, have a good bawl) , but behaving in a way which causes distress to other aspies, and may have contributed to many of the changes in society over the last few hundred years or longer which aspies find particularly hard to handle. :?:

Tormod wrote:
I think that's the point people usually try to make when they talk of "curing NTs"

I do actually mean that some, perhaps many, "ostensible" NTs, who manage social skills etc, etc, etc, might really be aspies... ...

...aspies in chemically-induced states in which, because the world does not feel really real to them, they manage the most skilful, flexible, insouciant, sophisticated, full time social activity, while dependent on shopping , alcohol, excitement, and/or smoking, etc,( fairly constant consumption to make sense of the game, like skill-levels and goldpieces and decorative armour in a MMORPG ), and a job with no point/purpose but to pay for all that.

When I first excluded wheat , dairy, and sugar, one of the most startling experiences I had, in the first week, was walking along a road, and suddenly realising, really "getting"/understanding, that the world was not in my head, that it was "out there". That's when my social skills etc etc etc troubles started. Because it was no longer a game. No longer a simulation.

So, ok, the word "cure" is a sort of joke, a dig at the usual "curing AS" slogan; but what I really mean is that perhaps for the health and rights of aspies out and visible and suffering from the noise and rush etc, and hidden agendas etc, attention needs to be drawn to those "natural"-aspies whose chemically-fuelled participation in NT life may be rendering society even more difficult for us to live in.


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14 Apr 2008, 11:32 am

Just realised that this is similar to what the gay community started to point out about homosexual men who weren't out.

Except that i don't think the people I'm imagining have the slightest idea that they might be a very different person if they changed their diet.



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14 Apr 2008, 11:38 am

ouinon wrote:
I do actually mean that a few, perhaps some, or even many, "ostensible" NTs, who manage social skills etc, etc, etc, might really be aspies.

Ok, I follow you to this point. I was always regarded as NT - albeit "unique" and "a loner" while growing up. I have no problems giving public speeches, or holding a 1 on 1 conversation. But I use tricks to avoid eye contact, get sensory overload from simple touches, and have other ASD experiences that I mostly hide.

ouinon wrote:
Aspies in chemically induced states in which, because the world does not feel really real to them, they manage the most skilful, flexible, insouciant, sophisticated, full time social activity, while dependent on shopping , alcohol, excitement, and/or smoking, fairly constant consumption in other words, and the job with no point/purpose but to pay for all that.

I don't understand this part - perhaps because it doesn't match me. When I consume alcohol, it doesn't make me act like an NT. It slows down the multiple threads runing through my head and makes me withdraw from the outside world even further. Maybe I'm just not "doing the good stuff." :)

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14 Apr 2008, 12:10 pm

t0 wrote:
ouinon wrote:
Aspies in chemically-induced states in which, because the world does not feel really real to them, they manage the most skilful, flexible, insouciant, sophisticated, full time social activity, while dependent on shopping , alcohol, excitement, and/or smoking, etc, ( fairly constant consumption to make sense of the game, like skill-levels and gold pieces and decorative armour in a MMORPG), and a job with no point/purpose but to pay for all that.
I don't understand this part - perhaps because it doesn't match me. When I consume alcohol, it doesn't make me act like an NT. It slows down the multiple threads runing through my head and makes me withdraw from the outside world even further. Maybe I'm just not "doing the good stuff." :)

The "good stuff " that I'm talking about is wheat and dairy and sugar. They still zap me up and give me a buzz, wear me out, induce depression, and until very recently I still used to love the high, the lift, the push, that a good wheat, dairy and sugar combination gave me. ( pizza/cheeseburger and icecream/chocolate bar and a coffee was usually good).

But I no longer believe in the "trip" anymore, not enough anyway to recover the insouciance, successful social style etc etc etc. Until I stopped eating them the first time I think I had little grasp of what reality was, that people I met were really not Non-Player-Characters. Had some intense relationships with some of them but it was still cinema.

The thing is that I think there may be huge numbers of aspies playing life as a MMORPG because are eating food opioids ( gluten and casein )and painkillers ( sugar), which for those susceptible to them make life into a game for a while, ( longer or shorter depending on body's resistance) , and encourage behaviour which makes life harder for other people. :? :?:


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