Well, in general, there are a lot of advantages to getting things out in the open, but I think it is wise to exercise some discretion in a setting such as this one.
I had not noticed any difference in your overall posting style, but now that you mention it, there was one post that kind of puzzled me. I was casually perusing the adult section when I noticed that in one thread, you made a short post just saying that reading the thread made you feel sick. I thought this was a bit odd because:
1. The thread had an appropriately descriptive title, so you could have chosen not to read any of it if you did not care for the subject matter.
2. Although you made the choice to read some of it, you did not have to read the whole thing - you could have stopped when it started to make you uncomfortable.
3. Although you evidently read the whole thing, you did not have to post in it just to say that you were bothered by it.
4. I don't think the thread broke any rules, and some people might have been finding it helpful - to simply say that it made you sick was (IMO) unnecessary and counter-productive.
6. If you were bothered by the presence of such subject matter on this site you could have chosen to deal with it in a different way: talking to a mod, bringing it up in the site suggestions forum, avoiding the adult forum from then on, etc.
That's just my opinion. Normally, I would not be so forward as to point that out - out of respect, of course. I am only doing so because you asked for honest feedback. I hope I have not caused any offense! I'm just trying to be helpful.
Otherwise, most of your posts have been as friendly and welcoming as usual, as far as I know.

i want to know what your 5th point is.