Seth36 wrote:
Not sure if this is covered here or not really, does anyone here suffer from OCD? I've been told by my doctor previously that i'm a high likely hood of / suspected of having OCPD however on researching this myself I find more similarities of myself in OCD than I do in OCPD.
One of the things I read on was that the main difference is that people with OCPD find their obsessions and compulsions to be normal and possibly get some enjoyment out of it, whereas people with OCD know the behaviour is irrational and dont want to be doing it but do because they feel compelled to, this is far more accurate of me and extends to stupid things like for instance if i eat a biscuit, i HAVE to eat it on both sides, i.e. i'll eat half the biscuit then flip it round and eat the second half upside down, or if i have and even number of biscuits ill eat half one way up and the other half the other way, i cant stop washing my damn hands after everything i do, but the main one that drives me mad is that i cant stop working all the time, i work in web development so i do alot of programming but when i start working i just have to finish it i cant leave a job incomplete and it has to be perfect, ive stayed in a normal 9-5 office for over 38 hours straight without food sleep or drink on several occasions because i just couldnt stop myself from working till it was done perfectly.
I'm trying to get a bit more insight from anyone who might have OCD, im trying to go through the route of my GP at the moment because i'm worried i might have aspergers for one and i also meet alot of the criteria for OCD and social anxiety disorder as well (makes quite a cocktail), but as im sure others are fully aware the NHS aren't exactly... what's the word i'm looking for? Ah yes competent that's the one.
See my video.