It's a twist of Google-irony that all the AS/Autism advocacy groups are naturally based in Washington DC, but when looking for psychologists and other professionals it becomes hard to penetrate the outreach smog.
Anyway, I believe several people on these boards are from the Metro area, and I wanted to ask anyone knowledgeable about this area if they'd recommend any psychiatrists or other professionals who are trained and familiar with treating AS adults.
At this time I'm having severe cognitive and memory problems that have all but incapacitated my everyday functionality. I think my HMO just drew a name out of a hat when they recommended a counselor/social worker who, taking the understandable but misguided conventional approach, suggested that rather than this being product of "a developmental disorder I may or may not have", that perhaps I'm just afraid of success and creating barriers to "hold myself back".
While I respect this individual for the good I assume she's capable of doing, it's obvious that she has neither the training nor familiarity with AS and surrounding issues. And rather than waste insurance premiums and months spent on waiting lists just to be counseled like an NT off the streets, I wanted to ask our members on this board if they can recommend any such professionals, or can even guide me to a website that can lead me to them. My symptoms here are bad and worsening, I've had absolutely no luck addressing them on my own, and with other options exhausted I really need to get in touch with the right person and get the ball rolling on this.
Thanks for your help and guidance,