My therapist often told me that if i really had it, they should have noticed it in school or kindergarden or whatever.
I was noticed in kindergarden and in school...but the label they put on me wasn't asperger's...it was "weird", "crazy", or whatever came to mind at the moment I guess. Alot was also blamed on the fact that I was an "only child", so I was "spoiled" and "lacked discipline".
Really I think most people have only started being educated about asperger's...and then even now ask 10 people off the street "what is asperger's?" and I bet over half of them don't know or have alot of misconceptions about it based on ignorance or second-hand knowledge.
10 years ago I think it was worse...20 years ago depending on your location I bet you'd be lucky to find anyone that had even heard of it.
She's probably basing this on the fact that there were no obvious learning disabilities or developmental delays when you were in school, thinking this is what they would have noticed. Some of us have learning disabilities or delays...some of us simply don't or they weren't something that was picked up on...it's not a neat little package, the ingredients vary depending on the individual.
I was late talking...but back in the late 60's not many mother's ran off to see why their child didn't talk at such and such a time like now...the view was "she'll/he'll talk when they want to"...and I did.
*Normal* is just a setting on the dryer.