Is it just me, or does this annoy you?

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18 Apr 2008, 3:33 am

I went to see some rock bands last night &, (as always happens to me!) partway though the set, suddenly it seemed everyone wanted to go to the bar and a constant stream of people decided to barge past me.

What I mean is, past ME in particular, instead of taking a different route.

Logically I know it is probably because I like a lot of personal space, so there is usually a "gap" next to me, but I really really hate this as I was getting lost in the music and found it intensely irritating every time yet another person "interrupted" me.

I was like, "I'm not a ****ing corridor!! !! !"

After a while I was really starting to lose it, & I would have had a meltdown if I had not swarmed forward & joined the moshpit to work off my frustration.

Is this an "overload" issue to do with AS?

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18 Apr 2008, 3:52 am

Jeeze... ya people drive me crazy, I cant enjoy anything like that because of the people really, so I tend to miss out, and wont go anywhere thats crowded anylonger.

I definatly would be feeling like you did, and probably would have ended up just leaving at that point. Well... you did better then I would have.

DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.


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18 Apr 2008, 4:09 am

shopaholic wrote:
Is this an "overload" issue to do with AS?

This just sounds like an understandable reaction to rude people. Its easy to get frustrated in crowds when they push past you and treat you as if you aren't there.


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18 Apr 2008, 12:03 pm

I didn't cope all that well - shoving people out of the way & yelling "**** off!! !!" at them isn't exactly reasonable behaviour, even at a gig! Fortunately the music was too loud for them actually to hear me! And the one person who shoved me back actually shoved me straight into the moshpit, which was actually the best thing he could have done!

For me to leave wasn't really an option, because I was with a friend, plus it would have entailed me doing exactly the same thing as I was complaining about them doing (which would have been kind of hypocritical of me!)

Anyway, fortunately I settled down & enjoyed the rest of the gig.

I just wish I didn't lose it like this though, I just end up upsetting other people, when all I am really trying to do is enjoy myself in my own little bubble.


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18 Apr 2008, 10:43 pm

I've only been to one concert in my entire life - a Monsters of Rock heavy metal concert featuring Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne and others back in the mid-eighties. The sound was excruciating, it was too dark and smoky and I nearly got my jaw broken when I got pushed down to the floor and someone stepped on the side of my head. Some big hairy biker guy reached down, grabbed me and hauled me outside. He left before I could thank him for saving my life and limb. I haven't been to a concert since.

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19 Apr 2008, 4:32 pm

Yeah I know what you mean; you have to switch your thinking in these concerts. In "mosh" pits where everybody is bumping into each other and moving real fast, you have to expect them to hit into you and want to hit into them. You've got to imagine that you and the crowd are one, and nobody knows who you are, and nobody's zooming in or targeting you. You really have to try and blend into the crowd in these situations.


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19 Apr 2008, 4:42 pm

Yep, I get very annoyed when someone is invading my personal space. The other day I was on public transport and the woman next to me had her arm over the arm rest, into the area of my seat. Then she rummaged through her bag for 15 minutes, brushing her arm against mine over and over again for the 15 minutes.

I was on the verge of screaming... what I eventually did was spitefully get a folded map and hold it so the pointy corner of it poked her arm every time it came near me. She got sick of being poked with the map so eventually she moved her arm back to her area.

I have changed seats on buses because of people who talk on cellphones loudly next to me or similar. Maybe I'm grumpy but thats how I am.

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19 Apr 2008, 4:51 pm

Generally I find it really annoying when somebody I don't know touches me in public. And the strange thing is, no matter how much space you place between yourself and the other people someone alwyas bumps into you while you're walking. It's almost like they go out of their way to go where you're going. I even tried standing still at the edge of the pavement once, and got bumped seven times before finally giving up and walking on.

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19 Apr 2008, 5:37 pm

It happens to me a lot that people pass right through where I'm standing, but I always assumed that's because I'm small and look like the easiest pass. It makes me go berserk, so nowadays I stick to the person in front of me to form a difficult pass, and the corridor phenomenon reduces some.

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19 Apr 2008, 10:32 pm

Yes, yes, yes! When I was younger I used to have panic tantrums in spaces crowded with people. I thought of it as a sort of claustrophobia, only it wasn't small spaces that were the problem but having to share the space with too many. I still can get very on edge and irritable in crowds.

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19 Apr 2008, 10:53 pm

I just had that exact same experience. I had worked hard to carve out my space in the crowd!


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19 Apr 2008, 11:10 pm

I have no interest in concerts that don't involve sitting down and being respectful of the musician, and would never join into a mosh pit. If you enjoy your personal space that sort of seems counterproductive.


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20 Apr 2008, 1:45 am

I enjoy loud rock shows, but I don't always like to be smooshed together with a bunch of people so I have found ways to avoid this. First of all, I generally stay away from the pit. Every pit contains at least one big drunk a**hole who is going to hurt someone either intentionally or by accident, like by falling on them. And there's nothing wrong with being one of the people standing at the back or off to one side. Those people are generally older, but we've been to more shows than the kids in the pit so maybe we're standing off to the side for a good reason!

Also, there's something about being at a good show that puts me in a different state of mind - really happy and energized. I expect to get bumped into and get beer spilled on me because that's part of the experience - it happens at almost every show that's memorable so I accept it and it really doesn't bother me unless it's excessive. But even then the music usually makes it worth it.


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20 Apr 2008, 1:48 am

yeah, I've seen that a lot. Not just crowds, but lines. I've learned not to make eye contact, because if you do, they will zero in on you and plow right by.


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20 Apr 2008, 3:12 am

I would love to go to a concert but I have nobody to go with which sucks.


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20 Apr 2008, 9:43 am

It's nothing personal. Rock shows are crowded places, so people bump into you when they walk by. It's no big deal.

lol! I'm guessing you wouldn't like mosh pits very much. :P

Personally, I don't mind being bumped into or touched. I certainly love to mosh!