Last week I was assessed for cognitive behavioural therapy, and was told to go home and think about it. My mother asked about it yesterday, and I said it was unlikely I could hack it for long. But what about fitting in better into society, she said? 'Society' has not treated me well during my life, I replied, and I don't see why I should engage in large amounts of hard work for a minor improvement that probably won't last. I don't feel like having CBT just so I can have tedious small talk with people I don't know or like.
But you have to live in society, says mother. To be honest, I said, society can go **** itself. It's made quite clear it's feelings for me.
"Hulk will fight back as Hulk always fights back--but will Hulk's friends fight beside him? They will not help Hulk. Are these the kind of friends Hulk needs? Hulk does not think so."