Hi, I recently heard about AS (via the slashdot link on the dude who wrote BT). So having looked all over then net, taken a a couple of the online tests (both saying most definantely I am an aspie) i went to the local library and have begun readign a book called "Loving Mr Spock" by Barbara Jacobs, about her experiences as a NT with an AS man.
Now I was about 80% convinced I was an aspie untill I read about the Sally Anne test, now I am 100% certian. So for those who have not heard of this test, here it is:
The follwoing story, illustrated or animated is show and narated to children, can you answer the question?
There are two dolls, Sally and Anne. Sally has a basket. Anne has a box. Sally puts a marble in her basket then leaves the room. Anne reaches into Sallys basket, takes the marble, and puts it into her own box. Sally comes back into the room.
Where will she look for her marble?
The answer aspies give is in Anne's box. Nt's give the corect answer of in her basket. Down's syndrom children of eleven witha mental age of 3 get it right, but it is expected that any aspie less than 12 years old will get it wrong.
Here is what finally convinced me that I am an aspie.
And if you ask one of the older aspies who eventually get the question right, "What does Anne think that Sally thinks?" they are completely lost. Flumoxed. Even Asperger adults capable of doing complex calculations in their heads cant work that one out.
I am 35, have an IQ well above the "very superior" range, and I have not an clue. IT seriouslt freaked me out, I know that I should know that answer, most likey my 6 and 7 year old children know the answer, but I don't...