I think arguing is some how different then debating. One seems to cloud the topic and the other is meant to clarify it. I like the latter. It stimulates my brain and that always feels good to me. It also helps me understand why I think what I think and I am open to learning something new and questioning my own wrong assumptions. What I can't tolerate is people who argue but lack any logical ability. It took me awhile to figure out that some people have different objective then mine when discussing issues like religion, politics, gender issues or autism I might begin a debate with them but as soon as I figure out they are just not capable of logical reasoning and they only want to spout unfounded rhetoric, I don't feel like wasting my time on them.
One of my biggest complaints about the stereotype of aspies being "argumentative" is that there appears to be a value judgement involved in something that should not have one. There is nothing wrong with questioning common assumptions. It is productive and leads to insights and better ways of doing things. When I tried to "argue" with my parents it was an attempt to understand "why" they believed the way they did and if it proved viable I was willing to adapt my behavior to it. Their lack of desire to discuss issues with me was based on their own laziness to think of why they had the assumptions and willingness to help me understand their logic(or lack of it) was what made me angry/upset. This has caused a lot of problems for me in my jobs as well when I question the logic or efficiency of managers. I have a lot of problesm respecting someone just beause they caarry a particular "title" because I have seen so much efidence that such titles do not make the personal infalable or more intelligent then myself...in some areas. Many of these people have only gotten such tites because they had enough money to persue an advanced degree and I am self taught in many things. Others get their titels because of influential friends and better social skills...neither one makes them more capable of using logic then I am. Even when they adopt my ideas it never advances me in the job and I am still percieved as a "trouble maker", not a team player Who just goes along with the coachs decissions).
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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