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any men here who have been bullied by women?
yes, i'm a man who has been bullied by women 50%  50%  [ 51 ]
no, i am a REAL man no woman would DARE to bully! 3%  3%  [ 3 ]
i am a woman and i would bully you in a heartbeat, you wuss! 3%  3%  [ 3 ]
i'm a conscientious objector in the war of the sexes 44%  44%  [ 45 ]
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03 Oct 2010, 1:31 am

i was riding my bike down the sidewalk yesterday, minding my own business, when this lady in a honda automobile drove down the opposite side of the street, and blasted her horn at me for no reason, causing my heart to jump into my throat and causing me nearly to lose control of my bike. i whipped around to see and hear her yell "haha fag!" then zoom off. i have noticed far more cases of women behaving this way to me than men, and it makes me wonder why this is so. what possible threat could i represent to such women to make them want to intimidate me pre-emtively? what did i do to this bully woman in the car to make her want to go through the trouble of making bad karma for herself?
it made me chew on the subject of social darwinism for a while, and i came to the conclusion that these bullies see themselves as darwinian gene pool policemen whose job it is to weed-out the genetically unfit, to bully them until they decide to go and die somewhere.
i would really like to hear from y'all if ya have something to add-subtract-multiply or divide, concerning my jejune thoughts on this matter. :)


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03 Oct 2010, 1:44 am

I don't know, the only people who have ever bullied me directly were boys.

Good thing I didn't regard my perception as reality and started making blanket statements that wouldn't do anyone good.


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03 Oct 2010, 1:58 am

I have been bullied by males and females. Anyone can be a bully.

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03 Oct 2010, 2:54 am

Ho yeah - women can be bullies - just watch "Mean Girls". They're generally more subtle about it, but they can hurt you just as bad as guys, maybe worse. They're generally into rejecting and humiliating rather than intimidating. They're great at vicious gossip, lying, turning people against you and getting other people to hurt you for them. Basically, they're way more sophisticated at this than guys.

But the example you cite seems a bit strange. I don't know what to make of that.


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03 Oct 2010, 2:59 am

auntblabby wrote:
it made me chew on the subject of social darwinism for a while, and i came to the conclusion that these bullies see themselves as darwinian gene pool policemen whose job it is to weed-out the genetically unfit, to bully them until they decide to go and die somewhere.

Yes, I do know what you are talking about. She sounds like a female member of the Moron population*, anyway. I dont think you need to worry about it.

*a population containing the world's morons. They come in many shapes, sizes, genders.

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03 Oct 2010, 3:01 am

I usually have more problems at work with women than men these days. If you are different then you're a source of gossip, and gossip can easily become truth. Women are always indirect and can be malacious from my experience. It is a shame because it can affect the quality of your work and your ability to function with others. And of course, it is almost impossible to prove if you want to take any action.

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03 Oct 2010, 3:23 am

sluice wrote:
I usually have more problems at work with women than men these days. If you are different then you're a source of gossip, and gossip can easily become truth. Women are always indirect and can be malacious from my experience. It is a shame because it can affect the quality of your work and your ability to function with others. And of course, it is almost impossible to prove if you want to take any action.

Yes - exactly - I experienced this kind of malicious gossip at my last work attempt. It made my life there HELL, on top of the hell I was already suffering due to my autism, hearing problem, depression, etc.

And mean women also destroyed my relationship with one of my two brothers and my last two friends. I mean, these were the only friends I've had since high school! Now I'm almost all alone.

In all three cases the guy got married and the wife hated me. I'm told that this is not at all unusual. What the hell? Can someone explain this to me???


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03 Oct 2010, 3:54 am

I had that experience before and it was a horrible one when I was about 13 though and I was at the park where my mum's friends were and there was these two girls who found me interesting at the time.

I only knew so little at the time why I was so different and at the time I thought autism was a bad thing, they somehow figured out that I had autism and all over a suddenly, they started jumping on me and started teasing me intensely about it and they should be in wheelchairs etc.

Soon as I went home, it left me crying for hours and hours.

I may have actually said this previous many times in previous posts but that is one of those moments that has really hurt me then.

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03 Oct 2010, 3:55 am

zen_mistress wrote:
I have been bullied by males and females.


i don't think associating anyone's gender with their bad behavior is ever helpful. there are jerks of both sexes, obviously, just like there are jerks who have autism and jerks who are NTs. and respectful and thoughtful people in all of the above categories.

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03 Oct 2010, 4:09 am

I get bullied by males more than females.

A car full of guys were yelling stuff out the window at me i could almost feel the hate. Really was horrible. I thought they were going to jump out and stab me.

I sometimes get the odd bitchiness from girls but that slowed down after high school, I get a lot of males being nasty to me, and most of y school bullies which left emotional (and physical) scars were male.

I've never seen or heard of girls yelling out of cars. Maybe its an "opposite sex" thing.

I get horrible sh*t spread about me - yes - by males.

Pileated woodpecker
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03 Oct 2010, 4:28 am

superboyian wrote:
I had that experience before and it was a horrible one when I was about 13 though and I was at the park where my mum's friends were and there was these two girls who found me interesting at the time.

I only knew so little at the time why I was so different and at the time I thought autism was a bad thing, they somehow figured out that I had autism and all over a suddenly, they started jumping on me and started teasing me intensely about it and they should be in wheelchairs etc.

Soon as I went home, it left me crying for hours and hours.

I may have actually said this previous many times in previous posts but that is one of those moments that has really hurt me then.

Damn! But I bet you wish girls would jump on you now, right? :lol:

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03 Oct 2010, 4:30 am

I've been bullied by both guys and girls, but when the girls bully it's alot more memorable


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03 Oct 2010, 4:49 am

ThomasL wrote:
superboyian wrote:
I had that experience before and it was a horrible one when I was about 13 though and I was at the park where my mum's friends were and there was these two girls who found me interesting at the time.

I only knew so little at the time why I was so different and at the time I thought autism was a bad thing, they somehow figured out that I had autism and all over a suddenly, they started jumping on me and started teasing me intensely about it and they should be in wheelchairs etc.

Soon as I went home, it left me crying for hours and hours.

I may have actually said this previous many times in previous posts but that is one of those moments that has really hurt me then.

Damn! But I bet you wish girls would jump on you now, right? :lol:

It will seem more fun now than it did years ago so I guess that makes sense, lol. :lol:

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03 Oct 2010, 4:53 am

Terrorised by both equally.

This kind of thing is what has disabled me,
not 100 persent, but almost 60 percent.

I have "shocked" many of these 'bullies'
by my reactions, they expected me to
do one thing, and I shocked them by
doing something else.

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too much from me, I will
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03 Oct 2010, 7:34 am

auntblabby wrote:
i was riding my bike down the sidewalk yesterday, minding my own business, when this lady in a honda automobile drove down the opposite side of the street, and blasted her horn at me for no reason, causing my heart to jump into my throat and causing me nearly to lose control of my bike. i whipped around to see and hear her yell "haha fag!" then zoom off. i have noticed far more cases of women behaving this way to me than men, and it makes me wonder why this is so. what possible threat could i represent to such women to make them want to intimidate me pre-emtively? what did i do to this bully woman in the car to make her want to go through the trouble of making bad karma for herself?
it made me chew on the subject of social darwinism for a while, and i came to the conclusion that these bullies see themselves as darwinian gene pool policemen whose job it is to weed-out the genetically unfit, to bully them until they decide to go and die somewhere.
i would really like to hear from y'all if ya have something to add-subtract-multiply or divide, concerning my jejune thoughts on this matter. :)

I've had bad experiences with both sexes - usually neurotic individuals, though i must admit that women were more scary, starting with my mother, and grandmother. 8O

Women can be more emotional and prone to hormonal imbalances due to their genetics, periods, emotional reasoning - still I've met many men that acted more women-like than women themselves!

I'd say it's usually about power and poor impulse control, issues with anger, self-esteem, emotional regulation and some people (of both sexes) being control freaks that just have to have it their way and will use anyone seemingly "weaker" to boost their sense of self importance.

It also could be that women as in your example have had some bad experiences with men and are now taking it on anyone with whom they can get away with without any repercussions. I wouldn't take it personally - she obviously has some issues and was venting in a pretty much immature manner.

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03 Oct 2010, 12:56 pm

I have been bullied by both genders.