auntblabby wrote:
i was riding my bike down the sidewalk yesterday, minding my own business, when this lady in a honda automobile drove down the opposite side of the street, and blasted her horn at me for no reason, causing my heart to jump into my throat and causing me nearly to lose control of my bike. i whipped around to see and hear her yell "haha fag!" then zoom off. i have noticed far more cases of women behaving this way to me than men, and it makes me wonder why this is so. what possible threat could i represent to such women to make them want to intimidate me pre-emtively? what did i do to this bully woman in the car to make her want to go through the trouble of making bad karma for herself?
it made me chew on the subject of social darwinism for a while, and i came to the conclusion that these bullies see themselves as darwinian gene pool policemen whose job it is to weed-out the genetically unfit, to bully them until they decide to go and die somewhere.
i would really like to hear from y'all if ya have something to add-subtract-multiply or divide, concerning my jejune thoughts on this matter.

I've had bad experiences with both sexes - usually neurotic individuals, though i must admit that women were more scary, starting with my mother, and grandmother.
Women can be more emotional and prone to hormonal imbalances due to their genetics, periods, emotional reasoning - still I've met many men that acted more women-like than women themselves!
I'd say it's usually about power and poor impulse control, issues with anger, self-esteem, emotional regulation and some people (of both sexes) being control freaks that just have to have it their way and will use anyone seemingly "weaker" to boost their sense of self importance.
It also could be that women as in your example have had some bad experiences with men and are now taking it on anyone with whom they can get away with without any repercussions. I wouldn't take it personally - she obviously has some
issues and was venting in a pretty much immature manner.
Last edited by Booyakasha on 03 Oct 2010, 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.