Aspie traits ever make you hysterical?

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15 Dec 2007, 12:42 am

I was just responsible for something that amused myself no end.

I met my mate for lunch near to where he works. (Nando's). I got myself a drink of water and proceeded, in my clumsiness, to knock it over and spill it everywhere. (We were outside and it was a grated table so there wasn't any real need to clean up). So, being it was a plastic cup I went back in and got another drink. Upon attempting to place it down I placed it down crooked and it fell over again. So I went back and got another one. Being extra careful now I managed to get halfway through my third drink before knocking it over again. By this time the people on the tables around us were looking at us, and more specifically me. So I went back and got another drink. I was not to be swayed from proper hydration. So anyhow, as I was putting this fourth drink down on the table I glanced up at my friends face. And even I could read his expression pretty well. It was partial suppressed laughter, part suppressed "OH PLEASE, NO! NOT AGAIN"

Anyhow, to cut a long story short, I started cracking up laughing at the ridiculous nature of the situation. In the process I forgot about the drink my hand was so near and knocked it over a fourth time, and proceeded to laugh like a drain. Then my mate, seeing me laugh started laughing as well. I calmed down a few minutes later when the food arrived (I didn't get another drink.)

That experience has left me with a great big smile that has lasted a few hours now.

It bought back memories as a child being banned from having open top containers (read: a glass) of fluid at my free disposal.

So yeah... any people got any stories of similar situations? Not necassarily motor clumsiness? Maybe a literal translation of someone's comments landed you in a group of people who think you are extremely witty because you said something unintentionally funny? Or similar of course.

Edit: Spelling of subject


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15 Dec 2007, 1:24 am

That made me laugh!

I had a hair appointment Tuesday. My hairdresser was shampooing my medium long-ish dark blonde very fine hair in a basin sink with sprayer, and she said, "You're hair, the ends especially, feel really dry to me."

I interpreted this literally, and without thinking (I did speak aloud), I said, "No, my hair is wet." After all, my hair was wet. Not dry.

Then, she recommended a spray leave-in conditioner for the ends....sigh. I live in a desert dry Arctic climate; hence dry hair in the winter. Unless it's wet, in the sink.

Aspie moment.

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15 Dec 2007, 1:30 am

heh, classic :)


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15 Dec 2007, 3:47 am

I was seeing this guy once who prefered to drink from a can, never a good idea around me. Everytime he brought one around me I would spill it. Even if I was paying attention to not spilling, eventually I got distracted and hand met can resulting in pop everywhere and fits of giggles from me. I warned him, he bought cans anyway, so when they got spilt I couldnt help but laugh about my clumsiness and his poor planning.

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15 Dec 2007, 4:47 am

It takes me longer than everyone else I know to tie my shoe laces...anyway,

I was at an ice skating arena one day with the youth group that I attend sometimes. I was putting on my ice skates, they had laces. Everyone one else had finished tying there's when I was still trying to tie up my first skate.
People [including myself] were guessing how long it would take me to tie them. It was quite funny, because I was trying to tie them up in a hurry, but kept on doing the knot wrong. I was so frustrated that I was laughing.

In the end, someone tied them up for me...I think that they were getting impatient :roll:

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15 Dec 2007, 6:05 am

ROFL Izaak that was hilarious ! !

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15 Dec 2007, 7:45 am

My middle name should be miss clumsiness, always breaking and knocking things.

But when younger was very awkward as well, as was always doing the fulling off chair thing.. one of the funnies times was at an airport, my chair was near top of stairs and yes you have it, being a little hyper would move about a little too much and not once, but twice me and the chair when backwards down the steps, my family nearly died of embarrassment, as we did not eat out much anyway - wonder why!

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15 Dec 2007, 8:05 am

HAHAHA that's genius!!

One of the best moments I remember was a few years back. I was with a couple of (male) friends and my brother in town. I was wearing big, chunky-heeled platforms which I really should never have bought as I'm pigeon toed and forever tripping over pavements. As in yesterday on my way to work it happened 5 times... frigging cobbles. Anyway. I was wearing them mainly because I liked one of these male friends and wanted to impress him. They started laughing at me trying to walk - probably very awkwardly! - and saying "Goofy shoes, goofy shoes, haha, you're gonna fall over, haha, you'll trip, goofy shoes, you can't walk in them..." I turned around and told them off for hassling me.
"I'm fine! I'm not gonna trip, leave me alone..."
Next thing I'm on the pavement, torn my dress, grazed my hands, and with a fat lip and a very, very red face.

Oooops... :D

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15 Dec 2007, 8:55 am

Excellent stories so far people! Keep up the good work. I can especially relate to the tying up the shoelaces thing. All my shoes (except basketball) are elasticised slip ons :)

Not to say I didn't enjoy the stair tumble or the kiss wannabe :) As for the can's... that is what I was consigned too because usually someone attentive could always pick it up before TOO much was spilled everywhere :) And the head in the sink (feels dry) story still gives me the giggles. I've said stuff like that SOOO many times!


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15 Dec 2007, 12:05 pm

I have been known to unknowingly walk into clumsiness.

We went to the Stray Cats/Pretenders/ZZTopp concert this summer. I went to the bathroom alone. On the way back I noticed several security guards running past me in quite a hurry. Now keep in mind I was at a concert at an outdoor venue at a band that I don't really have any particular feelings for (on my birthday, none the less) so I'm feeling way overstimulated and really, my head was up my ass trying to protect it from the noise. So, I'm walking along and the next thing I know there are all these people that I am staring up at asking me if I'm okay and if I know these two guys. Well, I'm trying to disconnect from the AS fog and bring myself back to reality, so I prolly looked high or drunk or both. They pick me up and set me down with an ice bag on my head and tell me that I walked right into the middle of a fight. Some guy went to hit another one, grazed the side of my head and fell on top of me when his fist didn't really connect with anything. So now I say that I walked into a fight on my birthday at the ZZTopp concert!

That was a duh moment.

I'm also reminded of when my son was three and hit his head on something that caused him to get 4 stitches in his forehead. We kept asking him where he hit his head so we could fix it if it needed fixed and he just kept pointing to his forehead and looking at us like we were all immensely stupid! Talk about taking things literally.

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15 Dec 2007, 4:49 pm

You walked INTO a fight, and you didn't even know it was on? Wow, that's pretty spaced out! I envy you though, Stray Cats are AWESOME! I so wish I had managed to get tickets the time they came to my home town.

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15 Dec 2007, 5:09 pm


People laugh at the things I do, but I doubt they're thinking it was wit. And though I've been called a smartass due to taking instructions literally, it usually gets a chuckle too.


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15 Dec 2007, 5:17 pm

well, not necessarily stuff that makes OTHER people laugh. Stuff that made YOU laugh, at yourself. Not in self-deprecation, but in genuine glee and delight. Those are the stories I am after.

This thread isn't to make fun of ourselves, but to share specific stories that caused happiness against the actual grain of what happened. For instance I sometimes get pretty hard on myself for being clumsy, or not working out what people ACTUALLY mean when they talk. Other times I find it hilarious. This is a thread to share those stories you think are hilarious.

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15 Dec 2007, 7:32 pm

Izaak wrote:
You walked INTO a fight, and you didn't even know it was on? Wow, that's pretty spaced out! I envy you though, Stray Cats are AWESOME! I so wish I had managed to get tickets the time they came to my home town.

I admit it. In my efforts to buffer the real world, I stuck my head up my ass and walked into a fight. I know it sounds stupid. It's not the first time that I've gotten into a situation without looking first, though. Won't be the last either, I'm afraid.

Yeah, the Stray cats were actually good, but I thought The Pretenders sound sucked and ZZTopp wasn't that great either. But I'm married to this old guy and he wanted to see them and it was my misfortune that it was my birthday.

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15 Dec 2007, 8:15 pm

I went to a zztop impersonator once in Las Vegas... they were awesome. Well, they were amongst many impersonators. That's the place I had my photo taken with "Christina Aguilera"

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31 Dec 2007, 12:53 pm

Izaak wrote:
Anyhow, to cut a long story short, I started cracking up laughing at the ridiculous nature of the situation. In the process I forgot about the drink my hand was so near and knocked it over a fourth time, and proceeded to laugh like a drain.


Are you sure that was an "accident"?