Neuropsychological Examination Results..WTF!!

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Snowy Owl
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01 May 2008, 2:51 pm

Ok, So I had a test done to update my findings from last year. (I have Autism,not aspergers).
Basically the doctor told my uncle that I did very poorly and yada yada yada. How I couldnt do college course work and when my uncle said I got a B in a class that was very hard for me he said the teachers shouldnt do that (meaning giving me a break)
:evil: WTF nobody gives me a break! I work my ass off those grades. Just because some dumb tests says I can't do something doesn't mean I cant. Not everyone tests well.
As you can see I can type very well as well as explaining myself and using words for my age (25). I may not be able to talk as well but hey I can communicate in some form.
Why do doctors,reg people,and so on..always put someone down who has a disability or thinks they could never do something because of it?? It really angers me! :evil:

~I have autism, whats your exuse?~

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01 May 2008, 2:54 pm

they think they know everything.

even when the fact that they don't is staring them in the face.

congrats on your b.

communication is more than just the spoken word, is it not?


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01 May 2008, 2:58 pm

How awful. Expectations are lower than I anticipated for kids identified as autistic (even when it's high functioning). As a result, teachers don't have to work as hard and coddle the child.

I was at a ameeting and this became very apparent. If the dx is autism, the expectations will be lower. That is completely wrong! Expecations should be DIFFERENT, but not lower!

Congrat's on your B. There's more to come.

Keep going--prove them wrong. There is a poor understanding of HFA. More educators need to be educated that's all there is to it.


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01 May 2008, 3:03 pm

Thanks for the kind words :D
Just fustrates me alot, when people don't expect much from me. I try, that's all I can do. I know my limits, but to have someone tell me "oh you could never do that because of......" really makes me angry. They don't know how I feel on the inside or what I'm thinking or even how fustrated I get from myself not being able to do something when in my mind I know I can do it but yet when I try to do it I can't...
Yes,many doctors need to learn and to treat each person different because we all are not the same just like someone who is "normal" are different we are too. 8)

~I have autism, whats your exuse?~

~"S&M is an art. Doing it well requires more than a bag full of expensive whips and ropes, a closet full of fetish clothes, or a basement filled with bondage furniture." De Sade~

Snowy Owl
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01 May 2008, 3:06 pm

kit000003 wrote:
they think they know everything.

even when the fact that they don't is staring them in the face.

congrats on your b.

communication is more than just the spoken word, is it not?

Thats what I always thought. Typing,writing,poems are forms of communication. Just because I don't talk well or as well as a "normal" or a person without a disability doesn't mean I don't know what someone is saying to me or that I don't have feelings,thoughts,wants,needs,ect.

~I have autism, whats your exuse?~

~"S&M is an art. Doing it well requires more than a bag full of expensive whips and ropes, a closet full of fetish clothes, or a basement filled with bondage furniture." De Sade~


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01 May 2008, 3:08 pm

Just curious.... Why the f**k is your doctor telling your uncle anything??

Congrats on your hard earned B!

Snowy Owl
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01 May 2008, 3:11 pm

roguetech wrote:
Just curious.... Why the f**k is your doctor telling your uncle anything??

Congrats on your hard earned B!

Because when im around unfamilier people for the first few times i dont talk and tend to rock or flap or just not look at them at all (not even their shirt or neck or head ) forget the eyes all togather :lol:
so they tend to talk with my uncle in the room with me because i guess they think I dont understand them?? Who knows!
I think part of it is because I don't talk to them or look at them and therefore they think about sterotypes of autism and go by what they were taught...IE: how we dont have feelings,thoughts,and dont commuincate and are in our own "world" and blah blah blah....its all F***en bull crap that they do.

~I have autism, whats your exuse?~

~"S&M is an art. Doing it well requires more than a bag full of expensive whips and ropes, a closet full of fetish clothes, or a basement filled with bondage furniture." De Sade~


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01 May 2008, 3:13 pm

Ahhh... Not to make it seem your fault, but consider taking a supportive friend to the doctor's next time, and leave the insensitive uncle at home.


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01 May 2008, 3:17 pm

I do think there must exist plenty of stereotypes of autism--I had a psych try to convince me not to use autism as mandated label for my son because he has too much potential!

He went so far as to describe snippits of my son--ocd, anxiety, adhd, nonverbal LD--but, no, he doesn't believe, after one hour of oberving and chatting with my son, that he is autistic.

He said he is perceptive, too many insights, too, let's just say it, bright????

Such a bigger picture--so much more that tires me to regurgitate about my son.

I feel for those diagnosed with AS that have stereotypical behaviors and for my son who presents in such a mild manner, but it's still there and it's harder to detect to the casual observer.

It is a broad spectrum, period.


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01 May 2008, 3:19 pm

GizmoGirl wrote:
Ok, So I had a test done to update my findings from last year. (I have Autism,not aspergers).
Basically the doctor told my uncle that I did very poorly and yada yada yada. How I couldnt do college course work and when my uncle said I got a B in a class that was very hard for me he said the teachers shouldnt do that (meaning giving me a break)
:evil: WTF nobody gives me a break! I work my ass off those grades. Just because some dumb tests says I can't do something doesn't mean I cant. Not everyone tests well.
As you can see I can type very well as well as explaining myself and using words for my age (25). I may not be able to talk as well but hey I can communicate in some form.
Why do doctors,reg people,and so on..always put someone down who has a disability or thinks they could never do something because of it?? It really angers me! :evil:


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01 May 2008, 3:21 pm

I was told when I was 19 that I could not go to university because I was not an adult. I said 19 is legally an adult, and my psychologist told me that I was not really an adult, because I could not sleep through the night. That I had to learn to sleep through the night (as if a circadian rhythm disorder can be overcome by willpower -- I take medications now and sometimes use bright light therapy and that still doesn't always make me sleep the regular way). Before I would be considered an adult. And that he would otherwise convince my parents not to let me go and that they would listen because he was an authority.

I didn't do well at university, I didn't even last long enough to get my grades, but good grief, at least I tried. I'd done well at college up until then. And they're complaining about a B?! My first time in college I got an F at midterm and a D- by term in one of my classes, and was mostly a B student otherwise, and that was considered still good enough, I just had to drop the second semester of the class I failed. Then I did better than that when I went to community college instead of a 4-year place. And my problems when I tried university were a combination of adjusting to being off of meds, and severe pain that was untreated (it subsided on its own, and then came back later, and the second time I realized, "Hey this is what my back felt like at university"). It is interesting to me how all the professionals in my life put all of my failures in that regard down to something psychological, just because that's the system I'd been in. I even saw a therapist who tried to convince me that my back pain was a sign of a spiritual problem that also caused my autism.

All of which is to say... it's ridiculous the expectations some people have. A B is a perfectly good grade, and from my experience, teachers never went easy on me, if anything they were sometimes hard on me, to make me prove that I belonged there and cared enough about studying. And as far as I am concerned... if you work your ass off, that's good enough, even if you don't pass a class. I worked my ass off in chemistry only to find that I just plain can't do chemistry, I can do the labwork (which is what pulled me up to a D- instead of an F) but the other stuff is too abstract for my brain to handle. I worked harder in that class than in some of the classes I got better grades on. And when I went to university and it didn't work out, at least I tried. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have known where my limits were, I'd have just let someone else set them for me.

By the time you're an adult, your psychologist should be butting out of stuff like this, or at most giving advice, not trying to control you. I learned this the hard way from a psychologist who tried to make my decisions for me, and who even lied to me and told me I wasn't an adult yet because I was in the psych system (at that point, outpatient), and that he, not the law, would be the judge of my level of adulthood. I eventually stopped going to appointments, which saved my parents a ton of money and enraged him to no end from what I heard.

I wasn't supposed to move out on my own (two different therapists threw fits about that one), but I did. I nearly starved and lived in filthy conditions until I got services, but I survived. And I did get services, and those didn't always get me enough help either (so more hunger, and more unsanitary stuff), but I also survived until they figured out that endlessly training me in various skills wasn't going to make me gain them, and gave me assistance with actually doing the things, instead of making me do them while they sat and watched me screw up over and over and then get so overloaded I couldn't do anything.

All of which is to say... these people shouldn't run your life, they should be helping you run your own life if they have to be in your life at all. That's what they're supposed to be paid for. Not controlling you, but helping you do the things you need to do. And they're supposed to allow you to screw up at things too, that's a right most non-disabled people seem to take for granted that gets taken away from us all the time. Not that it's good to be pushing your limits so hard you end up in some state of spectacular breakdown all the time, and not that you shouldn't get help, but you should be in control of what help you get, and what chances you want to take.

And by the way, I did my first year of college when I was 14, my second year when I was 18, and when I was 22 I tested as having an IQ of 85 (it tested very high once in childhood and then tested lower and lower as I got older), short-term memory even lower, and adaptive skills almost as low as they could test. I have a friend who was a grad student with an IQ of 80 and was doing well and was only stopped by people refusing to fund more education because of her IQ, another who completed grad school with an IQ of 81, and another who got I think more than one degree with an IQ of 67. And I think another one in college at the moment with an IQ in the 80s. (Some of us scored higher in childhood, because of atypical development patterns with autism where things were impressive at age 5 that are less than impressive at age 20.) I've known a lot of people who had intellectual disabilities who managed to get college degrees, often they had to take the classes over and over but eventually they passed (I went to a very good community college that had an excellent disability program). And I know people with high IQs who couldn't even handle any college. The tests don't mean anything, least of all on autistic people.

College wasn't a good match for me, and I didn't really retain much of anything I learned there (except in a couple classes), but I found that out on my own, through experience. Not through a test score. And that was my decision, not anyone else's.

"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams


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01 May 2008, 4:18 pm

Oh that is horrible, i hate doctors and what they say, in fact i hate a lot of authority figures who think they know everything! It bothers me soo much because a persons behavior makes them seem "unintellegent or a nothing to this society" its rediculious how that is. I hope you don't let it get to you and keep moving on, you can do anything, don't listen to them, instead keep moving forward and prove them wrong. When doctor told my family i was never going to live in a normal society yet get married and have children, and here I am dating a guy for over 2 years and still going strong, going to college, and I hope one day I can go back to that doctor and say "Look whos living in a normal society, uh oh, did i just prove you wrong!" lol Well not that spiteful but you get what i mean! Anyways sorry you had to go through this!

Being Normal Is Vastly Overrated :wall:

Snowy Owl
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01 May 2008, 5:41 pm

Age1600 wrote:
Oh that is horrible, i hate doctors and what they say, in fact i hate a lot of authority figures who think they know everything! It bothers me soo much because a persons behavior makes them seem "unintellegent or a nothing to this society" its rediculious how that is. I hope you don't let it get to you and keep moving on, you can do anything, don't listen to them, instead keep moving forward and prove them wrong. When doctor told my family i was never going to live in a normal society yet get married and have children, and here I am dating a guy for over 2 years and still going strong, going to college, and I hope one day I can go back to that doctor and say "Look whos living in a normal society, uh oh, did i just prove you wrong!" lol Well not that spiteful but you get what i mean! Anyways sorry you had to go through this!

Yea thats another thing Chicka! Because im married I get these looks from the doctors when my uncle tells them im married they just look at me like or I had one doctor (which i never went to again after what happend) told my uncle oh then she doesnt have autism because people with autism dont get married?!?! WTF says who?? Some can't but some can....why just because I have autism doesnt mean Im not sexual attratced to certain people or want a least i dont feel so alone by reading all your post i seen that you are all like me stuck in a lousy system of doctors who just dont seem to get it! 8O

~I have autism, whats your exuse?~

~"S&M is an art. Doing it well requires more than a bag full of expensive whips and ropes, a closet full of fetish clothes, or a basement filled with bondage furniture." De Sade~


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01 May 2008, 6:16 pm

GizmoGirl wrote:
Age1600 wrote:
Oh that is horrible, i hate doctors and what they say, in fact i hate a lot of authority figures who think they know everything! It bothers me soo much because a persons behavior makes them seem "unintellegent or a nothing to this society" its rediculious how that is. I hope you don't let it get to you and keep moving on, you can do anything, don't listen to them, instead keep moving forward and prove them wrong. When doctor told my family i was never going to live in a normal society yet get married and have children, and here I am dating a guy for over 2 years and still going strong, going to college, and I hope one day I can go back to that doctor and say "Look whos living in a normal society, uh oh, did i just prove you wrong!" lol Well not that spiteful but you get what i mean! Anyways sorry you had to go through this!

Yea thats another thing Chicka! Because im married I get these looks from the doctors when my uncle tells them im married they just look at me like or I had one doctor (which i never went to again after what happend) told my uncle oh then she doesnt have autism because people with autism dont get married?!?! WTF says who?? Some can't but some can....why just because I have autism doesnt mean Im not sexual attratced to certain people or want a least i dont feel so alone by reading all your post i seen that you are all like me stuck in a lousy system of doctors who just dont seem to get it! 8O

GEE, in some ways, some autistic behaviour might be endearing in a female. And some people claim men will be attracted to like ANY woman! That isn't really true, but probably more true than the reverse.

Still, it is what you CAN do, and how YOU feel that counts!