Hi there.
I have been having a bastard of a day, and I'm really not sure what to do.
All this happened during classes.
First off, people were using rubber bands and folding paper into small balls, and shooting at each other. It annoys me, and it makes me nervous. The sensory with all the things flying around, etc. is just too much.
Fine, i try to cope with it as good as i can. And i did fairly well.
But during the last class of today something happened. Due to my issues, i have been granted that i can use my laptop for all classes. It was late on the day, and i was thus out of battery. We had to go to another class room, as our own was being used. I get down there, and i see a plug on the wall. But there's a guy sitting next to it.
I ask him if he would move, so that i can use my laptop(I can't do notes without it), and he rejected. This is not the first time he has done that, first time around somewhat the same happened, but i didn't break down.
I got EXTREMELY annoyed, angry and aggressive. I wanted to punch somebody in the face at first. I tried to talk him into moving for about a minute, and then i went into the back of the class. I quickly had a breakdown. I couldn't concentrate, i felt like crying, i couldn't think clearly and everything was hell.
I don't understand why i react like this. I mean, surely nobody else is like this.
I'm starting more and more to think that I don't fit into the educational system. The administration of the school is extremely nice to help me. But i feel guilty for having to have things my way, if I am to complete a full day.
But how do you guys/girls handle these kinds of situations?