sands wrote:
Is there a way to make an Aspie feel more comfortable when being around another person? One of my favorite people has Aspergers and when we go out (as friends) he is extremely uncomfortable. At the first he is fine, but as the time spent together gets longer he becomes more uncomfortable. Especially when we go out to eat and he sits opposite me. His stims get more noticeable and I feel bad for him. I love spending time with this person and want to continue going places with them. Do you have any suggestions?
It seems a corolation between the time he spends out and the amount of fatigue he is dealing with. Processing all the streaming information coming into his senses from being 'out' takes a lot of energy from him, he is replenishing some from eating, but the more exhausted he gets ( being 'out', talking to you, eating, having to deal with bodily functions (i.e. finding a restroom, going, coming back, etc.) just wears him out, and his stimming is to soothe his intense concentration to just maintain.
Somthing a little less exhausting, perhaps? Something less 'out?' Something with less visual and loud and less bustling with other people would not sap his energy so much. Somehwere he is more comfortable with just being?
hoping to help,