As far as I know there isn't anything wrong with my tear ducts. My eyes will tear when I'm exposed to bright light, and they tear when wind is blowing at them. They teared when my nose was broken.....however they never tear due to an emotional response.
I thought of this today because my aunt called me earlier and she asked me how I was doing dealing with my mother's death (she's not nosey, or trying to rub it in...she's actually a therapist). Anyway I just told her I'm the same I was seven months ago, the night it happened. Then she said my sister told her that she thought I was in denial or something, because I still hadn't cried about it.....which is pretty odd because my sister grew up with me, and should know by now I do not cry. My boss made a comment about me being totally dry eyed at my mother's viewing, even while seeing other people around me cry (totally none of her business), and she just said it probably hadn't hit me yet, and the longer before it did the worse it would her parents are still alive so it's not like she knows this from experience.......
I asked a therapist once if it was normal for a woman to not ever cry. she said there was something really wrong with the way I dealt with emotion, and it wasn't healthy to not let myself feel emotions, and that that wasn't healthy and so on. Maybe she was right....I know it's probably better to have a good sob, than to slam my head on my desk repeatedly or throw my cell phone.....then I saw another one who said I express emotion my way, and that is just fine, and reminded me that men don't cry easily and some don't cry at all, and no one says anything to them. she also said I should find more healthy and less destructive ways to deal with the one emotion I do feel strongly....anger....I'm still working on that.
I do have a male wired brain. I am good with my hands. I can put furniture together from Ikea, without the silly picture instructions. I can change my car's oil, do my brakes, change my transmission fluid, change my fuel filter, my air filter, spark plugs and wires....pretty much do anything that doesn't require and engine crane because I don't have one. I actually worked as an auto mechanic in college.....where I was pursing an engineering's actually odd that I found myself making cosmetics for a living........