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Blue Jay
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06 Sep 2004, 3:25 pm

As I just told an online friend, I was probably put on this earth to amaze and confuse people. I hope I amaze them more than I confuse them! What about you? What do you think the reason for your existance is?

Blue Jay
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06 Sep 2004, 6:12 pm

I would say basically the same thing you just said, only I would add in my connection to animals. All I ever do when I am not busy is rescue/rehab/place animals of all kinds for adoption wether it is online or in person. Also, people find me amusing since I am such a first class klutz and I am funny (which I don't really think so - just being myself!).


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06 Sep 2004, 7:33 pm

I've always wondered what my purpose for being here on earth is. Since I could never seem to do anything right, and never acomplish anything, I thought my purpose here on earth was to be laughed at by the whole world.

Now I've come to realize different.

I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...


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06 Sep 2004, 8:56 pm

One of my teachers in high school told me shortly before I graduated that she felt I had the potential to become the next Bill Gates. I have heard similar things from other people, so I guess you would say that the reason for my existence is to change the world with a scientific development or invention.


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07 Sep 2004, 2:00 am

I think my purpose on earth is to provide useful services - I take care of my animals, I find things for people, and I help people get what they need at work . . . I debate whether, at some point in the future, I might be able to be replaced by a sophisticated robot with internet access . . . at least it wouldn't get depressed regularly like I do . . .


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07 Sep 2004, 5:06 am

The purpose of my existence is to change the world! Oh well, at least to have some impact... Speaking seriously it appears that I do not have any other choice left. I tried to have a career like everyone else, but it didn't work. I thought of joys of having a family, but I don't even know how to try it. It appears that living my life my own way is the only thing I can do. I don't want to live like a plant, without goal and purpose.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Sep 2004, 5:17 am

One of my teachers in high school told me shortly before I graduated that she felt I had the potential to become the next Bill Gates. I have heard similar things from other people, so I guess you would say that the reason for my existence is to change the world with a scientific development or invention.

To become the next Bill Gates, surely that involves less invention and more becoming ultra-rich because of intense greed and good use of inethical and imoral business practices. :-D


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07 Sep 2004, 5:56 am

To offer a unique perspective and understanding. I have often been told that my ideas and thoughts are very interesting and unique, and that I offer a very different perspective on things. I have been told that I "look deeply into things." I guess I am here to help people understand things and see things in another way, as a lot of people tend to come to me with their questions or problems. I am usually rather objective, and try to see to the root of things, which is what some people find helpful.


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07 Sep 2004, 10:55 am

I don't want to live like a plant, without goal and purpose.
Plants do have a goal- reproduction- and it appears to be all that they think/focus on. Most animals are that way, their entire life cycle is based primarily upon living long enough to produce as many fit offspring as they can and sometimes, to ensure the survival of the offspring until they are old enough to fend for themselves. I think it could be said that this is also true of the majority of humans- the main thing is to produce an heir or two, or to leave one's genetic mark on the world.

I have five kids, so I don't really have room to throw stones in that direction....but perpetuating my genes isn't enough for me. I would rather do something similar with ideas, whether it be art, an essay that makes people attempt to think (sorry, I'm sarcastic today) an invention, scientific discovery, etc etc. Ideas live on long after descendants have expired, and they have more potency and potential.

When I was a child, I used to look around at the world and at social innteractions with amazement and dismay. It seemed as if everything I saw was based on dishonesty and frustratingly indirect methods of getting what they wanted, and concealing what they really thought or felt. I hated it and decided that it was my mission in life to point out the error of their ways, that if they realized that they could be direct and honest, they'd do so, that the world was full of idiots and dolts who only had to be shown a different way.... :sigh:....the idealism of youth..... Now I'm content if they let me alone and give me the freedom to be myself and express who I really am.


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10 Sep 2004, 9:48 am

The purpose of my life on Earth is to teach people that just because I'm different doesn't mean that I'm inferior. I'm also here to teach people to tolerate and embrace indivudual differences. Another reason that I was put on this planet is to get people to open their hearts to humanity and open their minds to Multiculturalisim.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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10 Sep 2004, 3:04 pm

Haven't really decided on my purpose yet ...

I suppose to learn, develop, gain wisdom & help those around me.

I've just restarted my A levels (1st year again), with Art, Psychology, English & Physics (as opposed to Computer Studies, Maths, Physics & Chemistry), with the aim of going into clinical psychology or counciling.

There are no "opinions"; only variations in validity for possible truths & falsehoods


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10 Sep 2004, 3:54 pm

I believe I am here because I, like everyone else, have a meaningful role to play, whether on a grand scale or small. Maybe I'll only ever affect the lives of my own family, but hey, even that's a pretty big thing, if you think about it.


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11 Sep 2004, 7:30 am

I think I have a saviour complex.


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11 Sep 2004, 10:03 pm

hilarythebaker wrote:
As I just told an online friend, I was probably put on this earth to amaze and confuse people. I hope I amaze them more than I confuse them! What about you? What do you think the reason for your existance is?

That's a really cute way to put it. I like that. :)

I don't know the answer yet. Maybe someday, but by then it'll be the end of my journey.

I like to make people happy.


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13 Sep 2004, 1:40 am

I think the main reason for my existence is to learn from experiences, understand the world better and develop a sense of self-worth.


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08 Jul 2005, 5:11 am

I don't know really - maybe to help other people so they don't have to go through some of the stuff I did with not knowing I had AS until very recently.

Break out you Western girls,
Someday soon you're gonna rule the world.
Break out you Western girls,
Hold your heads up high.
"Western Girls" - Dragon