I really DO think he has AS. Somebody seemed to indicate he claimed that, and he has a lot of different characteristics. I don't EVER remember saying mommy or daddy, though my mother told me a sentence I said when I was about 14 months old or so, and it had the word daddy in it.
Still, I have called my mother and father by name since I was 5 or younger. I also never used any odd names for myself. Even my screennames or handles are neutral. I also never lisped. I ALSO would never have referred to things like elves.
Still, when I was real young, I DID use larger words, and I WAS very concerned about the environment, etc... I ALMOST wrote Carter(Then President of the US) a letter until I realized that he would probably never get it and, EVEN IF HE DID, he probably wouldn't do anything. It is a pity that only NOW are the implementing things I knew about in the early 70s! HECK, the U.S. PENTAGON is using solar power for some things! Some of the other ideas I had are used in the hybrid cars now.
If youtube was around then, I might have done the SAME! I EVEN get nervous, and HATE editing audio/visual, so I would write it down! And I sometimes stumble! BTW I ALSO was VERY organized, like he is! I wish I was as organized now.
Anyway, I wrote to him, and hinted at MY situation. I feel I was helpful and sympathetic. MAYBE he'll respond.