equinn wrote:
Does one particular group have a monopoly on ASD's/Aspergers? We are of irish and german ancenstry--just wondering (I know it sounds bizarre)--LOL. I feel like I'm missing something here. AGain, it was so difficult to come to terms with it all and it is an uphill battle when someone invites doubt or questions his dx based on preconceived notions or stereotypes. It is common. My son is not impaired enough, I suppose. He only requires a 1:1 aide at the age of eight! How impaired is this?
I'm German if it helps any. Shouldn't be an issue, hehe.
I am sorry that you have to put up with the stress with re-evaluation, a new and determined psych and this confusion if new diagnoses are thrown at your son. That's just not ok. There should be some kind of simpler and easier way to the interaction of professionals and families!
My first shrink didn't even consider that I may be on the spectrum at all. A distraught experience as I myself were hardly convinced at that time and had just come to terms with the idea. I image it's as horrible now for you, with your son and this confusion people cause by doubting the dx.
For standards here, I'm also not impaired enough usually. I have a 2:2 from professionals on my dx, pretty idiotic. But one thing I know: they do not see me 24/7. They are not my mother and family who saw me grow up. So they can't really claim I'm not impaired 'enough' based on some talks and these special situations. They can give a general idea usually - there is trouble or there's none.
But the finer things, that's where I trust myself and family. They don't know a thing about ASDs. And they're quite certain I'm 'fine' and perfect. But they have a pretty good idea of what I can do, what help I need, what I can't do and what help I don't need...
so I really learned not to care for a shrink saying 'oh, you must be able to go shopping or go to school easily',
because that's just a speculation that does not correspondent with reality. But the shrink can only guess too, they're not there of course, so they cannot know what my mother knows. They can base the guesses on what they're told and on their observations. Personal opinion naturally plays in it, not bad, quite normal.
Sounds a little like that shrink sees your son as having a great potential??
I'm not the standard Asperger's. Very likely, if it would exist here, PDD-NOS as in classical and AS mixed. AS fortunately gets me the exact same benefits as classical autism would in my country. So I know it's working for me. That's what's important I think.
What I want to say by this: maybe get another opinion, but really do go with your gut feeling. You must feel well with whatever result! = feel it's 'right' and 'working'. And also, I bet your son will know if some thought is nagging on you. And if this thought is on him, he may start to wonder too.
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett