When I was a kid, Asperger's was not an accepted or widely-known syndrome. I often got in trouble for following the literal wording of a teacher's or parent's instructions. My essays and poetry were too 'wierd' even for avant-garde standards. I excelled at maths and sciences, and did poorly in communications- and creativity-based classes. "Does not play well with others" was a common teacher's comment, and "For such a smart guy, you sure are stupid" was the usual opinion of my classmates (when they weren't beating me up). I was a socially inept geek, long before being a geek was socially acceptable.
Nowadays, I prefer the company of electronic equipment to that of people. Most of my co-workers are satisfied with simply pushing buttons for a 'good enough' result, but I prefer to tweak all my gadgets for the best possible performance.
Technology is my friend; people aren't.
Fortunately, my wife is from another country, and any past misunderstandings between us have been put off with "it's just the differences in our cultures". But after 15 years, I'm getting concerned that I may actually have Asperger's Syndrome.
How do I find out one way or the other? I've already asked my physician, and he just blew me off without examination or tests. How can I know for certain? At least, if I knew, I would know what to do about it, and it would explain why I'm such an outcast.
Please don't go all religious or spiritual on me. That stuff just doesn't work.
Tahnk you,