AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
You know that the word "cracker" is just as offensive as the n-word, right?
No, actually it isn't. Though insulting to some, there is no oppressive history behind it.
Hi, I'm not black & do not mind being called "cracker" at all.
I know a black guy who goes to a nearby HS who has Aspergers.
He is African-American and rides his bike wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants.
Uh, yeah, actually it IS offensive and I don't appreciate it worth a damn. The word 'cracker' is meant in a derogatory fashion and doesn't belong. I have Hispanic and and Native American blood. That doesn't allow me to run around in here calling people 'huedo,' 'gringo' [and some far more worse that most English-speaking whites probably wouldn't recognize if you said it to their face, but I won't say here]. Racially offensive slang toward ANYONE is an ongoing, utterly stupid double-standard that needs to end. Now.
Terminal Outsider, rogue graphic designer & lunatic fringe.