I also sit forward when in a chair. I love hammocks and swings. I usually go to sleep with my head in my computer chair with my pillows in it too and the rest of my body on my bed, I like the feeling of the arms rests next to me. I also can not get comfortable without a fan on, because it feels like the air is not moving, and it is too quiet without it. My favorite thing to do is just sit in my computer chair with my feet on my bed (which is next to my computer) and a blanket on and the fan on, I love the pressure of the blanket and the feeling of the fan. Also when my parents bought a swing for my grandpa when he lived with us, I was usually on it when I was not on the computer.
My parents do not understand why I get uncomfortable when they take me to a place with uncomfortable seats, no air moving, and a clock ticking. It just drives me crazy!
It is hard to find clothes that fit, because I am 15 years old, 6'4" size 16 shoes, and I grow out of clothes a lot, so my parents can usually only find clothes that I don't like to wear, so I only wear them after washing them about 10 times, and cutting the tags off. I can not stand the feeling of tags, they itch like crazy and just generally annoy me.