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13 May 2008, 4:02 pm

(I posted this in the Media Representation forum, but then I realized that nobody posts there.)

I slept through my TV waking me up this morning, and when I woke up, Who Wants to be a Millionaire was on, and this woman was at $25,000. She said that her child has a developmental disorder, and she was going to put the money towards a daycare that would specialize in speech and other forms of therapy for children on the spectrum, and went on to clarify a few things about autism. Being half-asleep, I didn't catch whether she was contributing towards an already functioning daycare, or starting this herself, or what, but she made it to $50,000 and walked with it.

I thought that was really awesome of her, and a very cool idea.


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13 May 2008, 4:30 pm

That was really nice of her indeed :)


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Joined: 9 Apr 2008
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13 May 2008, 6:51 pm

That's really neat. :) I wonder if there are daycares like that all over or if there's only one.

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