I have no idea how my need for privacy compares to other peoples', or NTs'.
But yes, I do value my privacy greatly. I would rather be by myself than with someone else, generally. In college I tried to convince my parents to pay a bit extra so I could have a private room with no roommate (to no avail - so dorm life didn't work out for me AT ALL). I cherish my time alone. I have no problems eating alone in restaurants, taking myself to the movies, attending concerts alone, etc. I bring a book or something to do with my hands/attention wherever I go.
Unfortunately, I was raised in an atmosphere of "If you're not doing anything wrong, you don't require privacy."
My mother refused to knock on my door before entering my room, rifled through my belongings pretty regularly (and left evidence that she'd done so), listened in on my phone calls, and I literally could not even use the toilet without her barging in if there was something on her mind. I had a lock on my door, but since I USED it once, she didn't like that, and removed it. I came home one day from school and it was gone.